Nils Fauth


Vague à l'âme
Sound Mixer
While the adults are napping, a young girl dances to pass the time.
The Little Wide-Mouthed Frog
Sound Mixer
An inquisitive little frog with a large appetite goes off to discover the river bank in search of new things to eat. On her way, she meets some of the animals that live in the neighbourhood: a mole, a rabbit, a deer, a mouse... and asks them what they eat. Well... what do you think herons, foxes and snakes eat?
Sound Re-Recording Mixer
Февраль 1939 года. Не справляющееся с потоком республиканцев, спасающихся бегством от диктатуры Франко, французское правительство размещает их в лагерях. Двое мужчин, находящиеся по разные стороны колючей проволоки, становятся друзьями. Один – жандарм, другой – художник. От Барселоны до Нью-Йорка, правдивая история Хосепа Бартоли, борца с режимом Франко и исключительного художника.
A Walk in the Woods
Sound Mixer
Five wolf cubs are playing in the woods and tease Daddy Wolf who is getting ready to go out and “eat them all up”! A musical take on a famous French children’s game.
My Family and the Wolf
Sound Mixer
When Hugo, a boy who spends his summer vacation with his cousins, discovers that the wolf Rong intends to take his grandmother Sara, he devises a plan to save her.
ADR Recordist
После смерти своего отца, раввина, женщина возвращается в ортодоксальный еврейский дом. Окружение возмущено интересом, который она проявляет к подруге детства.
The Golden Tortoise
Sound Mixer
A fisherman and his wife live together happily in their humble dwelling. One day, the man finds a tortoise with a golden shell caught in his nets. The tortoise promises the fisherman that all his wishes will come true if he lets her go free. This touching version of a traditional tale illustrates how greed often gets the better of men and women.
Горячие мамочки
ADR Recordist
Трое лучших подруг за сорок во время летнего отдыха во Франции начинают отношения с парнями гораздо моложе. Женщины позволяют себе поддаться искушению, чем вызывают дикую ревность со стороны женщин помоложе.
Горячие мамочки
Foley Mixer
Трое лучших подруг за сорок во время летнего отдыха во Франции начинают отношения с парнями гораздо моложе. Женщины позволяют себе поддаться искушению, чем вызывают дикую ревность со стороны женщин помоложе.
The Law of the Jungle
Sound Mixer
A clever little monkey remembers to keep his wits about him when the bigger monkeys encroach on his bounty of bananas.
Carrot Jam
Sound mixer
In the depth of winter, two rabbits discover that their store of carrots jam is empty. But nobody has ever said that carrots can only be found in gardens! Certainly not their uncle Robert who has left them a precious treasure map...
The Gigantic Carrot
Sound mixer
A mouse is chased by a cat who is pursued by a dog that is pursued by a little girl who is put right by her mommy who has enough with the grumbling grandpa who makes his soup and needs a carrot.
Little Heaven
Right In the heart of the Ethiopian capital Addis Ababa is a small orphanage called “Little Heaven”. One of the orphans, Lydia, is 13 today. A truly joyful event, because she can now move to the ‘other house‘ where all of the ‘big kids’ live. Unfortunately this special day is overshadowed by the shocking news delivered to her by the head nurse: Lydia is HIV positive.
The Gruff-voiced Tree
Sound Mixer
A little mouse tries to take shelter inside the trunk of an old tree, when it suddenly scolds her in a gruff, menacing voice. The mouse runs away and meets a squirrel, who disbelievingly scampers up to the tree but soon beats a hasty retreat. A rabbit then a chaffinch receive the same treatment, when finally a tortoise comes along who does not let herself be taken in.