Sam Firth

Рождение : , United Kingdom


Sam Firth is based and makes work in the Highlands of Scotland. Her films explore the boundaries between documentary, fiction, science and art, personal experience and wider context. Her work has been described as playful and visually poetic, making the everyday cinematic. She is best known for experimental documentary filmmaking. Her first film, I.D., won awards internationally, her second film, THE WORM INSIDE, was selected by Sight & Sound in its eight highlights of the London Short Film Festival. Together they form part of a triptych exploring personal experience that culminates with the year-long project STAY THE SAME, a cross platform piece exploring our relationship with time funded by Creative Scotland and the BFI. Stay the Same has won numerous awards and is still being screened international. Sam has her own independent production company Lacunae Films (formerly Tiny Spark Productions) which she set up in order to produce her work. She has also produces community film projects has won awards for her work with children and young people.


My Dad and the Volcano
A story of a father and son and... a volcano. Gavin built a 6-foot volcano and he asked his Dad if he could store it in his shed for a short while until he figured out what to do with it, but that turned into five years and his Dad has threatened to destroy it over the years. Gavin aspires to bring him and his Dad together through the volcano, to help his father see it as he does. However, there's a challenge - his dad holds no interest in modern art and has declined any involvement in the documentary.
The Wolf Suit
How much can you trust your childhood memories? Director Sam Firth investigates, sweeping her parents into the experiment and on a journey into the past.
The Wolf Suit
How much can you trust your childhood memories? Director Sam Firth investigates, sweeping her parents into the experiment and on a journey into the past.
The Wolf Suit
How much can you trust your childhood memories? Director Sam Firth investigates, sweeping her parents into the experiment and on a journey into the past.
The Wolf Suit
How much can you trust your childhood memories? Director Sam Firth investigates, sweeping her parents into the experiment and on a journey into the past.
Field Notes On Love
In Sam Firth's essay film "Field Notes On Love" a romantic relationship between a filmmaker and an ecologist interweaves explorations of categorisation, individuality, and a collective 'us'. Human and nonhuman entanglements are enticingly allegorised amidst a lush Scottish woodland.
Executive Producer
After years of estrangement, two brothers encounter their father living in a mysterious Scottish community.
The Mug
Executive Producer
After falling in love with Mhairi online, Jon travels from the USA to Scotland to meet her. When he gets there however, things don't go quite as he imagined.
Up in Smoke
Executive Producer
A woman tries to give up smoking and takes up a worse habit.
Look Up
Executive Producer
A superstitious widow looks at the stars every night in the hope of understanding her late husband's last words to her. Meanwhile a homeless man discovers some interesting items discarded in a bin.
White Smoke
Executive Producer
White smoke will explore the confused nature of teenage love and the struggle to understand the difference between real attachment and obsession, getting the audience hooked into the protagonist´s destructive and unpredictable relationship.
Stay the Same
Recorded every day for a year at exactly the same place and same time, this experimental film-poem documents the desire to clutch and hold each moment.
Stay the Same
Recorded every day for a year at exactly the same place and same time, this experimental film-poem documents the desire to clutch and hold each moment.
A teenager finds her identity through the intimacy of the photo booth.
A teenager finds her identity through the intimacy of the photo booth.
Farewell Charlie Power
A short by Marko Fuchs.