Cassandra Del Viscio


Adopting Audrey
Executive Producer
An adult woman puts herself up for adoption and forms a bond with the misanthropic patriarch of her adoptive family. Based on a true story.
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Visual Effects Producer
Капитан Уильям Д. Стэнафорт участвует в одиночной миссии с билетом в один конец, делая первые шаги человечества в колонизации Марса. Несмотря на то, что весь мир наблюдает за ним, он совсем один в темном и далеком море звезд. Стэнафорт смело летит через космическое пространство, сталкиваясь с непреодолимыми препятствиями, но так как путешествие не проходит бесследно для его систем жизнеобеспечения, он вынужден принимать невероятные решения, которые ставят под угрозу его здравомыслие, миссию и само существование.
Visual Effects Supervisor
From the midst of 9/11, one of the darkest moments in American history, comes this inspiring and relatively unknown story. When the twin towers fell, hundreds of thousands of people ran to the water's edge. They soon realized that Manhattan is, indeed, an island. And that they were trapped. Within moments, an armada of every vessel that could get to the city's seawall spontaneously organized. Dashing into the teeth of danger, hundreds of boats pulled together and, without any formal planning, military or otherwise, they pulled off an ad-hoc sea evacuation that became the largest in history. Their story of courage and resolve reminds us of the powerful spirit that rose among us, on that fateful day. Narrated by Tom Hanks. Directed by Eddie Rosenstein.