Sound Mixer
Having been recently discharged from rehab, 26-year-old Phoebe takes her young son on a road trip that will determine their future.
Sound Designer
A young Filipina searches for the missing links between her strange bleeding condition and her faraway mother's healing powers.
Sound Designer
Танасис не может выплатить свой долг Стелиосу. Когда он узнает, что у Апостолиса та же проблема, то предлагает присоединиться к нему, чтобы договориться со Стелиосом о более выгодных условиях. Тем временем в городе появляются два молодых бандита, чтобы надавить на должников.
Sound Designer
A coming-of-old-age story of an eccentric Tailor who doesn't quit fit into the world and has isolated himself into the attic of the family's tailoring shop. On the verge of losing everything, he finally gets triggered: with a wondrously strange bricolage coach-a tailor shop on wheels- he reinvents his life and his craft. He changes the brides of Athens and falls in love for the first time in his 50s.
Sound Designer
После того, как Джейсон покинул свою мать на фольк-фестивале, он нашел убежище в лесной хижине, принадлежащей немому одиночке. Ряд обстоятельств в конечном итоге приводит к тому, что они формируют семью - чего-то, чего не хватало обоим.
Sound Editor
Масштабная (для сорокаминутного фильма) фантасмагория о здании в Буэнос-Айресе, которое двигается по собственной воле, и нескольких его обитателях. Гречанка Константина Коцамани, снявшая фильм в Аргентине, уверенно вписывает бытовые сценки в мир, существующий по ее собственным правилам. Потенциала этой дадаистской истории про неожиданные отношения человека с неодушевленными предметами хватило бы, кажется, и на сериал.
Sound Designer
Night, national road. Two strangers meet for the first time at an old gas station. One has stopped to gas up his bike, while the other is just stranded. Lacking the 22 euros he needs to get home, he will try to sell him the distance that separates them from the sky.
Sound Editor
A random explosion connects three stories, where strangers are trying to find some way to live on the edge of legality.
A group of people in a dystopian future is led through the last forest in existence. Plants? What were they again?
Sound Designer
An Inspirational film about the power of family and music, told through the lives if Greece's most famous musical clan, from the island of Crete. The film captures the Xylouris family at crossroads: fifty - year old Giorgis performs non-stop to satisfy his passionate fans, while his Australian wife and manager Shelagh, struggles to keep the family together. Their three children find new freedom abroad, but struggle to uphold the music of their homeland, while finding their own voice. 'A Family Affair' reveals how this age-old and little known musical tradition is passed on from father to son to grandchildren. it brings to light the redemptive but also obstructive power of a strong family, while bringing us closer to the intimate process of the creation of music.
Sound Editor
Photophobic Zano, arrives in the big city for the very first time. The year is 1984 and Athens beckons. A vampire and a fine dancer, Zano quickly gets devoured by the dark underbelly of the capital city. All he really wants is a 'warm' girl.
Photophobic Zano, arrives in the big city for the very first time. The year is 1984 and Athens beckons. A vampire and a fine dancer, Zano quickly gets devoured by the dark underbelly of the capital city. All he really wants is a 'warm' girl.
Sound Designer
School's out for summer, school's out forever, school's been blown to pieces.
Sound Designer
Антонис Параскевас является национальной фигурой: 20 лет он находится у руля самого популярного в Греции утреннего телевизионного шоу. Однако никто не застрахован от падения рейтингов, долгов и личных проблем…