Francesca Molteni


Francesca Molteni studied Philosophy (University of Milan) and Film Production (New York Univer-sity). She worked for RAI, Italian National TV channel. Since 2002, she produces and directs docu-mentaries, television formats, videos, and curates design exhibitions. Writer and director of “Ultrafragola” TV series, a Sky TV program on design, she managed the launch and the production of the platform, the first web TV channel dedicated to design. In 2009 she founded MUSE Factory of Projects, her production company based in Milan, She directed Giocare l’Arte, an art format for RaiSat Ragazzi, Happy Birthday Dino Risi, a docu-mentary produced by Rai Cinema, Art Basel Miami Beach, L’Urlo, 50 Years of Beat and Peggy Guggenheim for RaiStoria, Ron Gilad, Loving Gio Ponti, and Alessandro Mendini. I wanted to be Walt Disney – three films presented at Festivals worldwide. In 2016 she travelled the East coast documenting the US election for “La Casa Bianca [The White House]”, a seven episodes TV program on air on Rai3, the third Italian National channel. In 2012 she won the “Premio dei Premi” award for Innovation assigned by the President of the Italian Republic for the QallaM project, which received the Compasso d’Oro’s honorable men-tion. In 2013, she received the Cathay Pacific Award for women entrepreneurs. In 2014 she re-ceived the PIDA Design Prize for the “Where Architects Live” film and exhibition. Since 2012 she’s contributing to the Sunday edition of IlSole24Ore, Elle Decor, GQ and Vogue Ita-ly; she is the author of the book "Oggetti d’impresa [Objects of Business]", Carocci publisher, 2016. In 2017 she has curated with Maria Cristina Didero SUPER DESIGN, a film about Italian Radical Design, promoted by R&Company Gallery and produced by MUSE;; in 2018 the documentary “The Power of The Archive. Renzo Piano Building Workshop” with Fulvio Irace and in collaboration with Renzo Piano FoundaOon.


Super Design
SuperDesign is a film about 19 players of the Italian Radical Movement. Through their words and their stories, we retrace the history and the heritage of the movement. They take us back to that time when everything seemed possible.
A Beautiful Vacation
This 2006 documentary was filmed on the occasion of director Dino Risi's ninetieth birthday. It features interviews with his collaborators, friends, and family, as well as Risi himself, who talks candidly about his personal successes and the obstacles he has faced.
The Power of the Archive
Filmed in Genoa, Paris, London, New York and Athens, The Power of the Archive recounts the creation, organisation, function and planning approach of the archive of the Renzo Piano Building Workshop. A place of experimentation, it’s a metaphor for a seaport; where goods come and go, each enriching its content and potential for communication.