Haerry Kim

Haerry Kim


Haerry Kim is an actor, director, acting teacher and Designated Linklater Voice Teacher. She holds an MFA in Acting from Columbia University where she studied with Kristin Linklater from 1999 to 2002. As an actor, she performed in NY and various cities in the US as well as other countries including Germany, South Korea, Switzerland, France, Belgium, Netherlands, and Norway. Some of her theater acting credits include the world premiere of “All is Not” by Melisa James Gibson, “Songs of Dragons Flying to Heaven” by Young Jean Lee, Alma in “Summer and Smoke” at the Seoul Arts Center (national theater), and "Richard III" directed by Andrei Serban. "FACE", her one person play about Korean Comfort Women during the World War II, was performed in South Korea, United States, and Scotland with critical acclaim. While translating Kristin Linklater’s “Freeing the Natural Voice” into Korean, she taught various acting and voice classes at Hanyang University (Seoul), Kookmin University (Seoul), and Kyunghee University (Seoul). In New York, she taught at PACE University and Tisch School of the Arts at NYU. She is currently the head of Acting program at Kookmin University in Seoul, South Korea. She is an artistic director at ETS theater company in Seoul. Her directing credits include "FACE", "I Love you: After 4.16", "BENT", "Richard III", "The Hothouse", "Bathtub Play", "Sabeth", "Big Love", and "Sound of Nightingales". She taught professional voice classes at the National Theater Company of Korea, Myeong Dong Art Theater (National), Seoul Art Center, Seoul Theater Center, and various professional theaters in South Korea. She is also a member of Actors Equity Association and Screen Actors Guild in the United States


Haerry Kim


Ночь в cпа
Soyoung Cho
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