Ryan Paevey

Ryan Paevey

Рождение : 1984-09-24, Torrance, California, USA


Paevey was born in Torrance, California and was raised in Los Angeles as the son of Les Vlieger and Linda Paevey. He has a younger sister Kaitlyn, with whom he is very close. Paevey ran track and cross country in high school. His hobbies include video games, surfing—which he did with his dad as a child—and cooking, and his favourite food is sushi. Paevey can speak some French and Japanese and can read Japanese. Paevey is of Dutch and Indonesian on his father's side. Paevey is a self-proclaimed "nature boy." Paevey also briefly lived in Harlem. Though Paevey did not plan to go into the entertainment industry, while in high school, he was scouted for modelling which eventually led to commercial acting. Paevey grew up working in construction with his father and bar tending. Paevey explained that he initially turned down the modeling opportunities but eventually decided to act on one


Ryan Paevey
Ryan Paevey
Ryan Paevey


Fourth Down and Love
Mike Hanson
Sparks are reignited when a single mom and a pro football player coincidentally meet again on her daughter’s flag football field after his career is derailed by a injury.
A Fabled Holiday
Talia and her childhood best friend Anderson unexpectedly reunite in a curiously familiar looking town full of Christmas spirit that restores its visitors when they need it most.
Два билета в рай
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Ханна и Джош знакомятся друг с другом в парке после того, как их обоих бросили у свадебных алтарей в один и тот же день. После этого их пути загадочным образом пересекаются, когда они оба договариваются отправиться в одиночный медовый месяц и вновь встречаются на другом конце света.
Рождество в Койот-Крик
Dylan Bailey
Родители Пейдж решают продать семейную гостиницу, не сказав об этом дочери. По воле судьбы оценщиком недвижимости оказывается её новый знакомый по имени Дилан. Судьбу гостиницы и их отношений решит волшебный рождественский сезон.
A Little Daytime Drama
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In order to save her daytime soap drama from cancellation, head writer Maggie must convince Darin, fan favorite actor and her real-life ex-boyfriend, to return to the show.
Не разбивай мне сердце
Miranda runs a boot camp for the recently broken hearted. She begins to form a connection with new client Ben who is also a reporter, investigating whether her boot camp is a fad or a phenomenon.
Рождество вне времени
Charles Whitley
Чарльз Уитли, хозяин большой усадьбы и изобретатель, переносится из 1903 года в 2020. В чуждом ему времени он знакомится с Меган Тёрнер. И Чарльз, вначале искавший способ вернуться в своё время, решает остаться в XXI столетии и насладиться прекрасным празднованием Рождества.
Родственные души
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Обзор зимнего фестиваля 2020
Himself - Host
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Рождество в
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Юную Джессику, историка и антрополога, нанимают для работы над роджественской выставкой в отеле "Плаза". В команде с красавцем-декоратором Ником она узнаёт много нового и в отношении некоторых фактов об истории Рождества в отеле, и в отношении самой себя.
Летний роман
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Из подруг в невесты
When Ted gets engaged to the high school mean girl and asks Jess, his childhood best friend, to plan their wedding, things get complicated. Her true feelings for Ted keep getting in the way.
Рождественская надежда
Сидни Рэгсдейл недавно развелась и решила встретить Рождество вместе с дочерью в доме своей бабушки. Она проводит много времени в книжном магазине, где встречает учителя по имени Мак, который ещё и подрабатывает местным Сантой. Он хочет воплотить рождественские желания своей новой знакомой. Сидни всем сердцем привязывается к книжному магазину и к Маку, который заставил её вновь открыться жизни и любви.
Marrying Mr. Darcy
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Schoolteacher Elizabeth Scott and businessman/philanthropist Donovan Darcy are blissfully in love and newly engaged. As the weeks fly by and the arrangements for their small autumn wedding grow more elaborate and Donovan, wrapped up in his work, is increasingly unavailable. Reminded yet again of their tremendous differences in background and temperament, Elizabeth can’t help but ask herself: should she marry Mr. Darcy?
Harvest Love
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A young widow and her nine year-old son spend a week at her family’s pear farm in Washington state, where they both fall in love with small town farm life, and she falls for the guy who has been managing the farm.
Locked In
Ever since her father was murdered, Taylor has had to take care of her agoraphobic mother, Ann Marie, and tend to the family farm. Ready to start her own life, she prepares to tell her mother that she is going to move away with her boyfriend Blake at the start of the new school year. However, her plans are put on hold when a looming storm threatens to destroy the farm. As she prepares for the storm, a stranger knocks on the door asking for a place to stay because he has run out of gas. Reluctant to trust the stranger, Taylor can't help but believe he is connected to her father's death. Now she must brave the storm while keeping her mother safe from this mysterious man.
Unleashing Mr. Darcy
Donovan Darcy
Fishing for direction in life, Elizabeth gets the opportunity of showing her dog in a fancy New York dog show. The judge, Donovan Darcy, comes across as aristocratic and rude, and a chain of misunderstandings unfold during the competition, complicating their attraction to one another.