Знакомьтесь с самой веселой парочкой друзей на свете! Они привыкли уютно жить под землей, но однажды их выгоняют из собственного дома. Друзья не привыкли унывать и решают, что им точно смогут помочь… пираты! И как хорошо, что они знают одного! Веселый дуэт отправляется в незабываемое путешествие по тропическим пустыням, самым высоким в мире горам и доходят даже до Северного полюса, чтобы отыскать старого бандита и вместе с ним вернуть любимое жилище.
Line Verndal takes us on a journey into the world of coffee to explore taste, aroma, history and culture, and to experience the people and passion behind good coffee.
Visual Effects
The unemployed performance artist Gritt struggles to make sense, as she moves below the successful surface of Oslo.
The indigenous, Samí rapper SlinCraze is trying to earn a living from his music, the problem is that less than 20.000 people speak his endangered language.
Color Grading
In this documentary we meet a group of people at the age between 72 and 100 years who attend writing courses, led by professional writers. What happens when the elderly get room to speak, write and discuss?
Online Editor
In this documentary we meet a group of people at the age between 72 and 100 years who attend writing courses, led by professional writers. What happens when the elderly get room to speak, write and discuss?
Color Grading
In 'Out of Norway' Emanuel (from Imagining Emanuel 2011) is refused to travel from Norway back to Liberia. So now he must flee again - in the other direction! Follow his video diary, and you will see that it is not as simple as it seems.
Online Editor
In 'Out of Norway' Emanuel (from Imagining Emanuel 2011) is refused to travel from Norway back to Liberia. So now he must flee again - in the other direction! Follow his video diary, and you will see that it is not as simple as it seems.
The Snøhetta architects, works hard to win the competition to make a brand new city for 350 000 people, in the desert of the Arabic emirate Ras Al Khaimah.
Sound Designer
From 1978 to 1989 skateboarding was illegal in Norway, as the only country in the world it was not legal to sell, buy or use skateboard in this period. The film follows two generations of skaters - from the underground culture in the late 70s, with skating on secret locations in the forest around Oslo, to the commercial explosion when skating was legalized in 1989. The film says something about the Norwegian governments overprotective policy, but it also shows the paradox of how the prohibition led to a unique and creative environment.
From 1978 to 1989 skateboarding was illegal in Norway, as the only country in the world it was not legal to sell, buy or use skateboard in this period. The film follows two generations of skaters - from the underground culture in the late 70s, with skating on secret locations in the forest around Oslo, to the commercial explosion when skating was legalized in 1989. The film says something about the Norwegian governments overprotective policy, but it also shows the paradox of how the prohibition led to a unique and creative environment.