There is a lot of sunshine on the traditional Immenhof: owner Dalli and tenant Alexander Arkens want to give the javascript soon. Even Alexander's twin daughters Billy and Bobby and grandma Arkens have the sympathetic Dalli closed in her heart. But while the witty twins enjoy country life, the Immenhof is once again in financial trouble. A loan, which is due to be repaid, is a big concern for Dalli and Alexander. While Dalli wants to ask for help at her former job, Alexander wants to come to money on his own. This is the big noise preprogrammed.
В основе сюжета — жизнь короля Баварии Людвига II, одержимого любовью к музыке Вагнера и строительству сказочных дворцов и замков, его нарастающему одиночеству. В трактовке Висконти Людвиг (Хельмут Бергер) — не безумец, а опоздавший родиться абсолютный монарх средневековья, чувствующий себя в плену конституционной монархии и церемонного двора. Центральный женский персонаж — императрица Австрии Елизавета (Сисси), её играет уже выступавшая в её роли ранее Роми Шнайдер. Действие в «Людвиге» развивается медленно, но полно внутреннего драматизма.
The case of Timothy Evans was the first major post-war miscarriage of justice to capture public attention. Of low intelligence, Evans was damned by his own, false confession that he had murdered his wife and daughter. The trial and rightful conviction of John Christie for one of these murders three years later, did not, however, bring about a pardon for Evans. Despite having four alibi witnesses, the 28-year-sailor, who was described by his own defence lawyer as a "semi-civilised savage", was convicted and executed within six months of the murder. Three years after Mr Evans was hanged, John Christie, a neighbour in the house at 10 Rillington Place, confessed to strangling eight female victims - including Beryl and her baby daughter. He too was executed. It was to be many years before the judiciary and the government were to finally allow the late Timothy Evans a pardon.