Tristan Peatfield


The Secret Laughter of Women
Art Direction
Oscar-winner Colin Firth stars in this heart-warming cross-cultural romantic comedy set in the idyllic South of France. Nimi, a beautiful Nigerian single mother to son Sammy, is under pressure from her family to find a suitable husband and who better than the local Reverend? After making friends with Matthew, a British comic-book writer and one of his heros, Sammy has other ideas. He successfully plots to get them together but they've still a few obsticles to overcome. (from Amazon)
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Art Direction
Казалось, Джей Си имел всё, что только можно пожелать. Днем он преподает сёрфинг подросткам, ночь проводит со своей подругой Клои. Но все меняется, спокойная жизнь нарушена, когда к Джей Си приезжают друзья из Лондона без предупреждения. Его друзья, особенно наркодилер Дин Раймонд, намерены вернуть друга к старым привычкам и интересам, которые, как надеялась Клои, давно в прошлом.
Fathers, Sons and Unholy Ghosts
Art Direction
When Martin, a young father, is left alone one weekend with his son, his memories of past rejection from his own father come to the surface. As he walks through this complicated history, Martin begins to doubt his own ability to love.