Clarence Aaron 'Tod' Robbins
Клеопатра — красавица-акробатка. В нее влюблен карлик Ганс, которому она предпочла силача Геркулеса… Когда Клеопатра узнает, что Ганс — наследник огромного состояния, она решает сначала выйти замуж за несчастного лилипута, а потом отравить его. Но после неудачной попытки отравления цирковые уродцы (сиамские близнецы, безрукая девушка и гермафродит) решают отомстить Клеопатре…
Fred Colgate, wealthy young man, learns that his tramp wife has been unfaithful and leaves her, and goes to Mexico. An accident causes him to be thought dead. He becomes a prizefighter, and when he return to his home city, he encounters a strange situation.
Fred Colgate, wealthy young man, learns that his tramp wife has been unfaithful and leaves her, and goes to Mexico. An accident causes him to be thought dead. He becomes a prizefighter, and when he return to his home city, he encounters a strange situation.
Three sideshow performers form a conspiracy known as "The Unholy Three" - a ventriloquist, midget, and strongman working together to commit a series of robberies.