Sara has been alone all her life. She’s 22, has a baby, and wants to form a normal family with her young brother and the father of her child. Her own father, Manuel, decides to come back into their lives after years of absence and his release from prison. Sara knows he’s the main obstacle to her plans and she makes a difficult decision: to distance him from herself and her brother.
Sara has been alone all her life. She’s 22, has a baby, and wants to form a normal family with her young brother and the father of her child. Her own father, Manuel, decides to come back into their lives after years of absence and his release from prison. Sara knows he’s the main obstacle to her plans and she makes a difficult decision: to distance him from herself and her brother.
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Гренландия, 1909 год. Жозефина — решительная, но наивная женщина. Она любит исследователя Арктики Роберта Пири — мужчину, предпочитающего славу и льды комфорту богатого дома. Ради него Жозефина готова на все, даже рискнуть собственной жизнью. Другая женщина — молодая, но умная и храбрая Аллака, которая тоже любит Роберта и ждет от него ребенка. Безжизненные ледяные пейзажи разделяют, но в то же самое время сближают этих разных женщин во время долгого и мучительного ожидания человека, которого они любят.
Sara lives in a foster-care facility. Her youth days seem to slip through her fingers while she awaits for her father to come back.
Sara lives in a foster-care facility. Her youth days seem to slip through her fingers while she awaits for her father to come back.