Ann Murray


Женитьба Фигаро
"Свадьба Фигаро" Моцарта- незабываемая опера о любви, желании и первичной силе неконтролируемой страсти. Завершая очень успешный цикл Моцарта / Да Понте на Зальцбургском фестивале, режиссер Свен-Эрик Бехтольф помещает действие в величественный английский загородный дом в 1920-х годах. Известная Венская филармония обеспечивает исключительный вечер музыки в родном городе Моцарта. «Все, что было в шоу, вызвало непосредственность и естественность: интригующе обновленное производство режиссера Свена-Эрика Бехтольфа; Выигрышные выступления неотразимых актеров; И гибкая игра, которую дирижер Дэн Эттингер рисовал из Венской филармонии...
Женитьба Фигаро
Опера-буффа в 4 действиях (1786). В доме графа Альмавивы идут веселые свадебные приготовления. Камердинер графа Фигаро женится на Сюзанне - служанке графини. Предстоящее торжество не радует графа: невеста приглянулась ему самому, и он не брезгует ничем, чтобы помешать свадьбе. Запись с Оперного фестиваля в Глинденбурнеэ 2012 год.
Le Nozze di Figaro
Запись спектакля Парижской оперы 2010 года.
The English National Opera first mounted David Alden's production of Ariodante, one of Handel's greatest masterpieces, in 1993. It met with unanimous critical and popular acclaim, and this 1996 revival features many of the leading singers from the original production. Ariodante is Handel's 1735 setting of an episode from Ariosto, in which the King of Scotland's daughter is treacherously accused of infidelity to her promised husband. The range of feelings provoked as the characters develop is caught in music of quite extraordinary emotional power, even by Handel's own exalted standards.
La Cenerentola
Gioacchino Rossini's sparkling version of the Cinderella story comes live from the Salzburg Festival with Ann Murray and Francisco Araiza as Cinderella and the Prince. Director Michael Hampe envisions La Cenerentola less as a fairy tale and more as a gently satirical comment on the nature of society and the relationship between people. Conductor Riccardo Chailly's masterly display of the Rossini style is visually matched by the opulent and elegant set designs by Mauro Pagano. 162 minutes.
Don Giovanni
Donna Elvira
Live from Teatro alla Scala 1987.
Mozart: Mitridate Re Di Ponto
Soprano Yvonne Kenny turns in a spirited performance as Aspasia in this brilliant staging of composer Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart's first notable opera -- penned when he was only 14 years old. The production, set in early Roman times, follows the inner circle of the empire's most formidable foe, King Mithridates of Pontus. Maestro Nikolaus Harnoncourt conducts the sterling cast, which includes tenor Gosta Winbergh and mezzo-soprano Ann Murray.
Cosi Fan Tutte
An excellent performance of this delightful opera. The principals are superb, especially the sisters. Bruscantini as Don Alfonso is past his prime, but he knows and understands the role inside out, so one does not even notice his vocal limitations. Araiza is in top form as Ferrando, and Morris makes virile Guglielmo. The only disappointment is Battle as Despina. Unlike her partners, she does not have feel for the Mozart ensemble, and her vocal mannerisms are totally unbecoming. How the producers allowed that to happen is a mystery. Muti's conducting is terrific, much better than on his La Scala video, where he is uninvolved.
The Magic Flute
Zweite Dame
Mozart’s “The Magic Flute”
O let me weep