Ginette Magny

Ginette Magny


Ginette Magny


Costume Designer
As a civil war shakes the Quebec province of Canada, Valerie is the sole survivor of a mass execution where her boyfriend is killed. Years later, she’s in a close relationship with her new partner, Gabriel. At the Long Term Care Center where she works as an orderly, she befriends Jeanne, an erudite and funny woman, dealing with an important physical handicap. Mixing realism and worrying strangeness, The Laugh presents a humane exploration of the survivor’s syndrome, the grieving process, the distance of time, the power of love, and the joy of being alive.
Father and Guns 2
Costume Design
A few years after they infiltrated a therapy program for fathers and sons, Marc Laroche is having some issues with his girlfriend Alice and Jacques is experiencing intense denial towards the fact that he is growing older. An incredible opportunity arises when Martin Germain, the lieutenant of the Mafia’s leader, and his girlfriend sign up for a bootcamp for couples. As Marc and Alice sign up for the therapy, Jacques invites himself in by pretending to be the psychologist's assistant.
Costume Design
Emily Price tries to balance family life and leading crunch negotiations between a Canadian politician and the president of a country whose natural resources are being exploited.
A Kid
Costume Design
Matthieu, a 33 year old Parisian who finds out that the father he never knew has died and decides to go to his funeral in order to meet his two siblings in Quebec. But once in Montréal, he realizes that nobody is aware of his existence or even interested in it. He is alone, in hostile territory…Filled with secrets, this story about one man’s coming to term with the foreign family he never knew he had is complex with interconnected themes such as masculinity, family, paternity and filial devotion coiling in the layers underneath.
Братья C.R.A.Z.Y.
Costume Design
В Рождество, 25 декабря 1960 года, родился Захари Болье, четвёртый ребёнок в семье, состоящей из пяти мальчиков и их родителей. Обычная семья: любящая мать и отец, грубоватый, исполненный гордости своими сыновьями. Сложные трансформации личности, в ходе которых маленький мальчик взрослеет, изменяясь и внешне и внутренне, встречают отторжение и неприятие его отца. Жизнь семьи наполняется необычными и экстраординарными событиями.
A Walk on the Moon
Assistant Costume Designer
The world of a young housewife is turned upside down when she has an affair with a free-spirited blouse salesman.
Hitting Home
Costume Design
Canadian businesswoman Dinah Middleton's is devastated when her teenage son, Alex, is killed by a hit-and-run driver. When the police fail to turn up any suspects, she turns private detective to track the killer down. She traces the murderer to New York, only to discover that the crime is not covered by the extradition treaty between Canada and the US. She becomes obsessed with bringing the criminal to justice.
Часы посещения
Assistant Costume Designer
Телевизионная ведущая оказывается в центре внимания психически неуравновешенного маньяка. Ее смелые и нетрадиционные высказывания о феминизме, неграх, войне во Вьетнаме, евреях вызывают у него чувство досады и разочарования. Он преследует ее до самого дома, после чего проникает внутрь и нападает на женщину. Той чудом удается избежать смерти, но при этом журналистка получает серьезные повреждения. Она оказывается в госпитале. Но оказывается, что ее кошмары только начинаются, так как маньяк собирается завершить начатое дело и убить журналистку…