Simon Barbaro


A Purgatory Story
Bob Arthur
A demon stuck with spirit board duty falls for a girl on the other side.
Мега-акула против Меха-акулы
Проходит некоторое время со времён событий первых двух фильмов о Мега-акуле. Появляется новая акула-мегалодон. Чтобы отразить угрозу, правительство запускает сверхсекретный проект — строительство механического аналога мегалодона.
Underbelly Files: Tell Them Lucifer Was Here
Tell Them Lucifer Was Here depicts the tragic murders of Victorian police officers, Gary Silk and Rod Miller which occurred in 1998 and shows the enormous efforts of the Lorimer Task Force in leading the manhunt for their killer or killers.
Little Deaths
School Boy
It's about love, it's about loss, it's about sex. Isolated, a lonely tollbooth operator watches as the world flows past him in a never-ending stream of vehicles, their passengers traveling to and from their lives. They don't give him a second thought, but from their clothes, their hair, their cars, he imagines the kind of world they inhabit.