Hiroyuki Namiki


Lost in the Wilderness
Director of Photography
The life and travels of adventurer Naomi Uemura, who disappeared in Alaska in 1984. A member of the first Japanese expedition to reach the summit of Mt Everest in 1970, Uemura also accomplished several "firsts". He was the first man to reach the North Pole solo, climb Denali solo, and float down the Amazon river solo. In the film, Uemura returns to Tokyo after a stint in Siorapaluk in Northern Greenland. In Tokyo, he reconnects with an old friend and, over coffee, shares his life story - from his days as a college dropout to his successful expedition to the top of Everest.
Theater Of Life
Director of Photography
Adaptation of Shiro Ozaki's novel.
Drive for the Future
Director of Photography
Путь к медалям
Director of Photography
О спортивном соперничестве двух волейболисток, советской и японской, об их дружбе. События охватывают период от Монреальской Олимпиады 1976 года до кануна ХХII Олимпийских игр в Москве.