Muriel Meynard


Clint Eastwood: The Last Legend
The portrait of the last cowboy Hollywood legend dives into the 65 years of an extraordinary career in Hollywood, highlighted iconic films like The Good, the Bad and the Ugly, as well as Million Dollar Baby, Mystic River and Gran Torino all the way to Cry Macho in 2021. It is no small task to cover more than 60 years of cinema history, especially when it is trying to surveyed with such breadth and diversity: TV star, international star, controversial icon, contested director, filmmaker with a capital F, Eastwood has been through it all, experienced it all, and it is first of all this romantic trajectory, this true American pastoral that the documentary wants to tell with all the passion it possibly can.
Casa Susanna
In the 50s and 60s, deep in the American countryside at the foot of the Catskills, a small wooden house with a barn behind it was home to the first clandestine network of cross-dressers. Diane and Kate are now 80 years old. At the time, they were men and part of this secret organization. Today, they relate this forgotten but essential chapter of the early days of trans-identity. It is a story full of noise and fury, rich in extraordinary characters, including the famous Susanna, who had the courage to create this refuge that came to be known as Casa Susanna.
Des Amandiers aux Amandiers
A free and intimate portrait behind the scenes of Valeria Bruni Tedeschi's creation. In front of the camera, she transmits to today’s young actors the memory of the 1980s.
Molière and the King
The life and work of Jean-Baptiste Poquelin (1622-73), the greatest French-language playwright, Molière, who revolutionized theater by bringing to the stage, with lucidity and dazzling modernity, the themes of his time and who had a special relationship with Louis XIV, the dazzling Sun King, that allowed him to develop as an artist while using his talent, like that of many other artists of his time, to enhance his personal glory.
Golda Maria
In 1994, Patrick Sobelman recorded his Jewish grandmother Golda Maria Tondovska as she opened up about her experience of the concentration camps.
Dangerous Liaisons: A Feminist Manifesto?
Well known for its exploration of seduction and revenge, the “Dangerous Liaisons” by Choderlos de Laclos caused a scandal from its first publication in 1782. Despite – or because of the scandal – the book was a top-seller. Since then, it stood the test of time. Combining eras, continents and people, the novel is adapted around the world. Marvelous tool for reflection on the female condition, social satire announcing the Revolution, remarkable work on the conflicting nature of love but also of the gender war, consecration of the power of the words, a libertine manual… “Dangerous Liaisons” is all of these at once.
Starring Grandma
Frankie Wallach, 25-year-old director, is fascinated by her grand-mother Julia, 94 years old, her death camp survivor story and her joyful personality. She wants to immortalize her as an heroine of fiction for her movie but it's without thinking about the other members of the family, who will want to be a part of it. At the Wallach's, everything is... FULL OF LOVE !
Маленькая девочка
Семилетняя Саша всегда ощущала себя маленькой девочкой, хотя родилась мальчиком. Поскольку общество относится к ней иначе, чем к другим детям ее возраста — в школе, на уроках танцев или на днях рождения, семья поддерживает ее и постоянно борется за то, чтобы Сашу поняли и приняли такой, какая она есть.
В мастерски реализованном и универсальном документальном фильме, напоминающем «Отрочество» Линклейтера, режиссер рисует картину пятилетней жизни двух подруг в городе Брив-ла-Гайард и погружает нас в жизнь сельской молодежи во Франции 2010-х.
The Grapes of Wrath: The Ghost of Modern America
In April 1939, "Grapes of Wrath" entered the pantheon of literature with a bang. Americans are at loggerheads over the odyssey of the Joad family, tenant farmers from Oklahoma who, like thousands of others, were driven from their land during the Great Depression. Eighty years have passed since the famous work was published, and 90 years since the beginning of the Great Depression in 1929. To mark this occasion, the documentary examines the genesis of the novel, its themes, its renewed reception during the financial crisis of 2008.
Jane Birkin: Simple Icon
With her dreamy eyes, her sylph silhouette and her wicker basket, Jane Birkin won the hearts of Gainsbourg and the French. Kaleidoscopic portrait of a multi-faceted pop heroine.
Adopt a Daddy
Damien is a pawn in a primary school, and leads a quiet life. To rescue one of his young students, Bahzad, and his mother from imminent expulsion from the land, Damien reconnects with his parents' militant past and convinces his sister Mélanie, who has become a formidable business lawyer, her best friend Rudy and a bunch of unlikely pals to accompany him in his new fight. Together, they will break the law by solidarity. And very quickly to be completely exceeded.
Спасённая рукопись из КГБ
Запутанная и трогательная история русского писателя Василия Гроссмана (1905-1964) и его романа «Жизнь и судьба» (1980), литературный шедевр, монументальное и эпическое описание жизни в условиях режима сталинского террора, крик неповиновения которого КГБ пытался задушить.
A film in which the director captures the beautiful and accurate qualities of reality when building the energetic portrait of a 16-year-old girl immersed in the macho culture of urban suburban south-west France, just a stone’s throw away from the nearby countryside.
Princes Among Men
An impressive visual and sonorous experience through the meanders of the Danube, from its delta in the Black Sea to Serbia, in search of the gypsy people (or the Roma) and their music and culture.
The Odd Girl
Following a long prison term, 30 year-old Céline must find a place in society. Hiding her past, she introduces herself with a new identity to get work for a trial period in a hotel. Céline finds herself endlessly walking a tightrope between truth and fiction. When she meets Idir, despite the threat of being unmasked, Céline falls in love and finds herself a prisoner to her own lies. But how can one live without taking risks?
The Other Side
In an invisible territory at the margins of society, at the border between anarchy and illegality, lives a wounded community that is trying to respond to a threat: of being forgotten by political institutions and having their rights as citizens trampled. Disarmed veterans, taciturn adolescents, drug addicts trying to escape addiction through love, ex-special forces soldiers still at war with the world, floundering young women and future mothers, and old people who have not lost their desire to live. Through this hidden pocket of humanity, the door opens to the abyss of today's America.
Louis XIV, roi des arts
Tant qu'il y aura de la poussière