Robert Pemberton


Night Howl
Kaci Evans, a socially awkward photojournalist who can’t seem to come to grips with the death of his mother. As a child, Kaci was psychologically traumatized after seeing his mother monstrously mauled by a large canine. Now that Kaci is an adult, he suffers constant night terrors and flashbacks to the time his mother was murdered. After numerous visits with his psychiatrist, Dr. Ezay, Kaci starts to question whether his nightmares are repressed memories, or are they something far more sinister?
By the Sea
Nate Manning
Святые из Бундока
Чего только не бывает на свете! Два обычных ирландских парня, братья Коннор и Мерфи, преспокойно жили и работали в своем родном Бостоне, пока в один прекрасный день на них не снизошло озарение: сам Бог послал их на землю с особой миссией, наделив святой силой, чтобы очистить мир от зла. И братья взялись за дело со всей серьезностью, присущей ирландцам…
Sgt. Kabukiman N.Y.P.D.
Man in Big Red Hat
Harry Griswald is a NYPD cop who is possessed with the spirit of a great Kabuki master. This has made him 'the chosen one' to do battle with 'the evil one'. He is also out to do good deeds and fight crime in the name of the law. The only problem is that a number of corrupt people in the community and their henchmen want him dead so that they can gain power when 'the evil one' come to take over the world. Sgt. Kabukiman must use his special superpowers to outsmart and out-fight the bad guys.