Miwako Kurihara


Rika - Jisho 28 Sai no Junai Monster
A dead body in a suitcase is found on a mountain. The body is identified as Takao Honma. 3 years ago, he was kidnapped by Rika Amamiya and went missing. Detective Jiro Okuyama tries to catch Rika Amamiya. He uses a dating app, while using a fake name, and finally finds Rika Amamiya, but he becomes attracted to Rika Amamiya.
68-летний новый работник
Associate Producer
История о том, как вышедший на пенсию более 8 лет назад 68-летний Ниимото Казуо заскучал без дела и решил вернуться в компанию, в которой проработал долгое время. А его начальником стала 28-летняя Кудо Маюко. Она ошеломлена, узнав, что он на 40 лет старше ее и даже чувствует негодование. Маюко сталкивается с вопросом, должен ли он выполнять работу, которую привык делать? Или брать на себя совершенно новые обязанности. Она берет на себя роль наставника этого "нового" работника.
Out Burn
Eiko Yagami (Ryoko Yonekura) is a "Marubo", a unit of Ueno Central Police Station's Organized Crime Division which deals directly with organized gangs to try and keep the peace. However, Eiko has some sidelines: she's a moneylender to her fellow police officers without charging interest in return for information and is also willing to do the odd side job for those on the criminal side for the money. One day, Kasumi (Riho Takada), who is the daughter of Senma-gumi gang's leader (Toshiyuki Nishida), is found stabbed to death. As this threatens to pit gang against gang, Eiko and the police have to hurry and find her killer.
Victory! Futto ga-ruzu no seishun
After an embarrassing game, Shuko, full of rage, accidentally gives a prodigious kick to a ball that leaves everyone speechless. The coach of the Futsal team looks at her and convinces her to join the team, not only to get him out of his mediocre position, but with the intention of aspiring to the National Championship of Women's Futsal Institutes and save the Tameeda campus. Would Shuko manage to repeat the prodigious shot or was it a filly? Will it fit in well with your new teammates?
Go-Con! Japanese Love Culture
Three friends have become masters of the "Go-Con": Japanese group dating. But after playing the game so long, they begin to wonder if their love lives are going nowhere.