David J. Rauschning


Dreams Are Like Wild Tigers
12-year-old Ranji is new in Berlin. His big dream: Bollywood. A casting call in Mumbai is the chance. However, Ranji has to overcome a few hurdles: Finding friends, making a video, traveling to Mumbai without his parents and - last but not least - believing in himself.
Разлучённые сёстры
Рожда, уроженка Иракского Курдистана и солдат немецкой армии, отправляется в лагерь беженцев в Греции, где ей удается встретиться со своей матерью, у которой есть плохие новости о ее сестре Дилан.
Может ли Клео повернуть время вспять? Кажется, что несчастье преследует её близких с тех пор, как она родилась. Вместе с тремя причудливыми, но забавными компаньонами Клео отправляется на поиски своего прошлого по всему Берлину вглубь ее собственного эмоционального мира.
After the death of her father Georg Inga Hauck drives together with her son Max in their home village. In her old home she meets Anna Kertesz. Inga's parents had taken Anna 28 years ago after her adult brother Zoltan mysteriously disappeared. Since the same day also Ingas was missing then six-year-old brother Magnus. Inga is being overtaken by her past in her parents' house. Soon her nerves are bare. And every day her memories come back.
Lucy is tired of being the perfect mother. When a department store security guard searches her stroller, he finds more than he could ever have imagined.
Светлые образы
Катарина и Штефан выглядят как образцовая успешная пара: великолепная квартира, высокооплачиваемые должности и стабильные отношения. Однажды ночью они понимают, что сыты по горло предсказуемостью своих жизней, и решаются на радикальный шаг: они собираются стереть все следы своего существования и начать всё с начала. Они снимают процесс на камеру, надеясь, что другие люди последуют их примеру. Они уничтожают вещи, закрывают банковские счета, удаляют всю цифровую информацию, связанную с их жизнями. Свой план они намерены скрыть даже от лучших друзей, Роберта и Пола, чтобы исчезнуть навсегда. Когда всё вокруг распадается на куски, их тайная революция выходит из-под контроля и превращается в борьбу за любовь.
Once again, the "border crossing" is celebrated, as every seven years in the Upper Hessian town of Bergen. It is really turbulent at this folk festival, when the municipal boundaries are confirmed from old tradition and everything is upside down. For this occasion leaves Thomas Weidmann his girlfriend and flees because of his botched university career from the city of Berlin back to his native village. At the party, he meets Kerstin Werner, whose life has just come out of joint - her marriage is broken and her husband Jürgen on the jump to another, younger woman.
Breaking Horizons
“Congratulations, you’re pregnant!” Lara can hardly believe what the doctor has just told her. The 25-year-old spends her nights hanging around Berlin with best friend Nora, having lost interest in her architectural studies long ago. She has no idea what to do with her life – she does a lot, but nothing properly. She now finds herself pregnant after a night of passion with a charming barman she met at a party. Nora is thrilled by the news though, proclaiming: “we’re having a baby!” After some initial doubts, Lara too begins to see her pregnancy as a chance. Together with Nora, she sets about painting the nursery and goes in search of the baby’s father. Then the gynaecologist gives Lara some bad news…
Dígame - Tell Me
Things aren’t going well for Esteban. His record shop on the outskirts of San Telmo has gone bust. Esteban has had enough. On the bicentennial of Argentina’s independence he decides to call it day and put an end to the shop – and his marriage to Elisabeth. He wants his freedom – for Esteban has fallen in love again.