Follows the struggles of a yakuza wife after his husband gets hurt in a knife fight.
Goro (Tetsuya Watari) wants to put his dark past behind. He heads to Hirosaki City to offer his condolences to Yumeko and to reunite with Yukiko (Chieko Matsubara), but finds that Yumeko is fatally ill. Although Yukiko was taking care of her, she is pressed for money. Goro wants to help and knows that there is only one way to come up with fast money.
Goro had grown up in the yakuza world. As an active member of the Mizuhara family crime syndicate, he expressed his loyalty by always putting himself in the forefront of every battle. Violence never bothered him. However, after being sentenced to three years in prison for stabbing a rival gang’s hit man, he becomes disenchanted with the Yakuza life style. Goro is determined to start anew, but karma catches up. His two closest friends are murdered by his ex-boss. He is left with two options: to kill or be killed.
Главарь молодежной банды влюбляется в девушку из католической семьи. Его сердце разрывается между любовью к уличным дракам и любовью к воспитанной красавице.
Вторая мировая война. По равнинам Северного Китая едет грузовик с проститутками, присланными «для нужд военных». Семи проституткам дан приказ: начиная с нынешней ночи, обслужить тысячу солдат на этом фронте. Первый мужчина Харуми в эту ночь, жестокий лейтенант Нарита, решает оставить ее при себе как «свою» женщину. Но ей нравится другой — Миками, солдат с красивыми серьезными глазами…