Stuart Stone

Stuart Stone

Рождение : 1980-11-17, Thornhill, Ontario, Canada


Stuart Stone (born November 17, 1980), more commonly referred to as Stu Stone, is a Canadian actor and rapper. He is most well known for his voiceover work on the cartoon The Magic School Bus, where he voiced Ralphie Tennelli from 1994 to 1997, as well as Jamie Kennedy's Blowin' Up, a 2006 reality show documenting he and friend comedian Jamie Kennedy's making of a rap album.


Stuart Stone


A teenage posse, known as the Vandits, attempts to pull off a ridiculous heist.
A teenage posse, known as the Vandits, attempts to pull off a ridiculous heist.
Alf the Elf
A teenage posse, known as the Vandits, attempts to pull off a ridiculous heist.
Mistletoe & Molly
Co-Executive Producer
Waitress and animal lover, Molly Bishop is desperate for a holiday miracle. Broke and needing major car repairs, she's counting on a big career opportunity to come through before the holidays - without using her family's name to get there. But when handsome cafe regular and do-gooder Aiden Ford starts to meddle in her life, Molly will have to figure out if it's too much or just the holiday miracle she needed.
Faking a Murderer
In search of their next hit series, filmmakers Adam Rodness & Stu Stone embark on an investigation to find a man they believe to be a serial killer. Are they in over their heads? Yes.
Faking a Murderer
In search of their next hit series, filmmakers Adam Rodness & Stu Stone embark on an investigation to find a man they believe to be a serial killer. Are they in over their heads? Yes.
Faking a Murderer
In search of their next hit series, filmmakers Adam Rodness & Stu Stone embark on an investigation to find a man they believe to be a serial killer. Are they in over their heads? Yes.
In the murky depths of Los Angeles' world-famous La Brea Tar Pits there lies an ancient secret - a creature that, awakened by underground construction, turns a night of somber packing for Barry Greenwood and his co-workers into a desperate fight for survival.
Jack of all Trades
In the late 80's/early 90's North America's favorite pastime was collecting baseball cards. People would invest millions, in this game of pirates treasure, by putting their mint condition gold in plastic sleeves, locking it away and hoping it's value would continue to rise year after year. Unfortunately, this house of cards would soon collapse, leaving the pieces of cardboard along with the hopes and dreams of fathers and sons worthless. Stu Stone was one of those sons, and his relationship with his father Jack, who was in the card business, would crumble with the industry. 25 years later, Stu is on a mission to discover why his beloved baseball cards are worth nothing more than the memories they hold of a happy childhood. What he didn't plan on finding though, was the most elusive card of them all, his father Jack.
Jack of all Trades
In the late 80's/early 90's North America's favorite pastime was collecting baseball cards. People would invest millions, in this game of pirates treasure, by putting their mint condition gold in plastic sleeves, locking it away and hoping it's value would continue to rise year after year. Unfortunately, this house of cards would soon collapse, leaving the pieces of cardboard along with the hopes and dreams of fathers and sons worthless. Stu Stone was one of those sons, and his relationship with his father Jack, who was in the card business, would crumble with the industry. 25 years later, Stu is on a mission to discover why his beloved baseball cards are worth nothing more than the memories they hold of a happy childhood. What he didn't plan on finding though, was the most elusive card of them all, his father Jack.
Original Music Composer
Teenagers are kidnapped and made into scarecrows, that are left to die in the crop fields.
Teenagers are kidnapped and made into scarecrows, that are left to die in the crop fields.
Teenagers are kidnapped and made into scarecrows, that are left to die in the crop fields.
Teenagers are kidnapped and made into scarecrows, that are left to die in the crop fields.
The Haunted House on Kirby Road
Six stoner best friends discover a viral video of a local teen who disappeared years ago from an alleged haunted house in their neighbourhood. Searching for one last adventure before graduating high school, the teens decide to investigate this local urban legend, only to discover this night could be their worst, and possible last, experience of their lives.
The Haunted House on Kirby Road
Six stoner best friends discover a viral video of a local teen who disappeared years ago from an alleged haunted house in their neighbourhood. Searching for one last adventure before graduating high school, the teens decide to investigate this local urban legend, only to discover this night could be their worst, and possible last, experience of their lives.
20 Moves
Additional Music
20 Moves is the story of how the best-selling puzzle toy came to market and the impact it had on the world around it. Tom Kremer stumbled upon an unwanted, unpatented puzzle game at the Nuremberg Toy Fair in 1979. It had been invented in Hungary in 1974 by Professor Erno Rubik who used it as a pedagogical aid for his architecture students and would go on to be played with by 1/5th of the world's population. We explore the cube's story - from its creation behind the Iron Curtain to the role it played in the fall of communism and the creation of free market trading in the former communist nations. We show how the cube was brought to the west - how it was introduced and marketed and what caused it to be the biggest fad of the 1980's. The cube would go on to symbolize an entire generation like nothing before it. The many faces, layers, and sides of 20 Moves is exactly like the cube. With each act our audience discovers another twist, another turn, another solve in the history of the Cube.
20 Moves
20 Moves is the story of how the best-selling puzzle toy came to market and the impact it had on the world around it. Tom Kremer stumbled upon an unwanted, unpatented puzzle game at the Nuremberg Toy Fair in 1979. It had been invented in Hungary in 1974 by Professor Erno Rubik who used it as a pedagogical aid for his architecture students and would go on to be played with by 1/5th of the world's population. We explore the cube's story - from its creation behind the Iron Curtain to the role it played in the fall of communism and the creation of free market trading in the former communist nations. We show how the cube was brought to the west - how it was introduced and marketed and what caused it to be the biggest fad of the 1980's. The cube would go on to symbolize an entire generation like nothing before it. The many faces, layers, and sides of 20 Moves is exactly like the cube. With each act our audience discovers another twist, another turn, another solve in the history of the Cube.
Little Savages
Visiting the charming lake town of Culver, a boy genius and his sister race against bullies to find a treasure hidden by an eccentric philanthropist.
A mysterious mentor helps a conflicted teen overcome his fear of driving, and win the race of his life at the local dirt track in Smalltown, USA.
На линии огня
Бью Гиннер с бригадой проводят работы на линии высоких передач в Техасе. Они работают в десятках метров от земли и имеют дело с проводами, несущими до 500 000 вольт, то есть буквально в считаных сантиметрах от смерти. Брат Бью погиб от удара током и оставил ему на воспитание племянницу Бейли, которая доставляет ему немало проблем. Но намного больше проблем доставит чудовищный шторм, который набирает мощь с каждой минутой…
Группа актеров собирается в отдаленном городке, который находится в Новой Англии, чтобы репетировать тайные сцены для фильма для того, чтобы погрузиться в кошмарный мир, где в реальной жизни актеров отражаются ужасные истории игры.
История о подростке, который похоронил своего родного брата, но не хочет признать и поверить в это. С ним долгое время работает психолог, который пытается ему это объяснить, но подросток, на каждом сеансе отрицает факт смерти. Вскоре полицейские обнаруживают вскрытую могилу, из которой исчезло тело брата. После этого, по мистическому совпадению, подросток начинает видеть убийства, которые должны совершиться в ближайшее время и рисует их в своих рисунках. Психологи и полиция начинают работать с подростком, но открытие поражает их сознание.
KDOC First Night 2013
Himself - Co-Host
First Night 2013 with Jamie Kennedy is a New Year's Eve television special that was hosted by comedian and television producer Jamie Kennedy. Broadcast live on December 31, 2012 from outside Grauman's Chinese Theatre in Hollywood, California, the special included comedy sketches, interviews with celebrities and others in attendance, and live musical performances by Macy Gray and Bone Thugs-n-Harmony. The special was aired locally on the Orange County-based independent station KDOC-TV, and was also broadcast by the Sacramento MyNetworkTV affiliate KQCA. Clips from this special became a popular viral video due to the many technical gaffes and accidental profanity that occurred during the live broadcast.
Hard Love
A break-up between a couple leads them to having a garage sale, only to find out that the two have more skeletons in the closet than they do junk.
Старый детектив получает фото, найденное в искореженном от аварии, автомобиле, на котором изображена молодая женщина. Он должен идентифицировать женщину и попытаться найти ее, пока не стало поздно…
С личной жизнью у героя не клеится, он задолжал хозяину квартиры и во всем остальном его жизнь беспросветна… Все меняется, когда однажды ночью он встречает очень красивую девушку. Она ему жутко понравилась и он ей тоже, но… Есть небольшая проблема, его новая знакомая — вампир…
Танцуй до упаду
DJ Tanner
Двенадцатилетний Джастин Шумахер был самым лучшим брэйкдансером в школе. Однажды на конкурсе талантов он получает травму головы и впадает в кому на 20 лет! Очнувшись, он обнаруживает, что все перевернулось верх ногами — родители погрязли в долгах, девушка мечты собирается замуж, а брэйкданс уже не так популярен как раньше. Теперь Джастину нужно приспосабливаться к новым условиям. Однако, несмотря на то что, Шумахер превратился в 32-хлетнего мужчину, он совсем не изменился, и юношеский максимализм в нем силен, как никогда. Джастин идет на отчаянный шаг — он хочет собрать старую команду, покорить мир, а заодно и завоевать сердце любимой девушки.
#1 Fan: A Darkomentary
The questionably unstable Darryl Donaldson goes on a quest to prove why he's Donnie Darko's #1 fan. While creating the production diaries for the film Donnie Darko, the crew also secretly produced this short satirical film that poked fun at the film, its fans, and the people behind it.
Serial Killing 101
Casey Noland, a high school kid with no direction in life, decides to pursue the serial killing profession. Only problem...he can't bring himself to kill anybody. Will the help of a gothic chick named Sasha, he attempts to learn the ways of a mass murderer. Meanwhile, a real serial killer is at work in their town and Casey thinks he might know who the maniac is.
Парни из женской общаги
Друзья-студенты Дэйв, Адам и Дуфер не раз попадали в переплет, но на этот раз судьба угостила их ну очень сурово, их вышибли из мужского общежития родного колледжа на улицу, ветер в карманах и отсутствие крыши над головой заставляют людей соображать очень быстро, и вот уже коллективный разум друзей производит на свет план настолько же гениальный, насколько безумный: они решают выдать себя… за девушек и найти приют в стенах женского общежития! Да здравствуют парики, косметика и депиляторы! Благодаря им больше нет трио мачо-плейбоев. Есть Дэйзи, Адина и Роберта, троица дюжих «студенток». Новеньких «сестер» ждет теплый прием, но Дэйв-Дэйзи совершает роковой промах, угрожающий ему и друзьям разоблачением — он влюбляется в первую красотку колледжа Лею и намерен несмотря ни на что сообщить ей о своих чувствах!..
Донни Дарко
Ronald Fisher
К своим 16 годам старшеклассник Донни уже знает, что такое смерть. После несчастного случая, едва не стоившего ему жизни, Донни открывает в себе способности изменять время и судьбу. Перемены, случившиеся с ним, пугают всех, кто его окружает — родителей, сестёр, учителей, друзей, любимую девушку. Научившись путешествовать в другие вселенные, Донни пытается приспособиться к тому, что теперь любые, даже самые незначительные его поступки вызывают потрясения космических масштабов…
Ничего себе поездочка
Danny, Lewis' Roommate
Темная, пустынная лента шоссе змеей протянулась по безлюдному ландшафту средней Америки. Эта дорога живет своей жизнью, по своим правилам и законам, и если ты осмелился совершить по ней путешествие, то неплохо бы эти законы выучить наизусть. Герои фильма попадают в жуткую переделку, когда Фулер уговаривает младшего брата Льюиса установить в машине старый радиопередатчик. Для него это лишь «клевая» антикварная диковинка, с помощью которой можно позволить себе небольшой розыгрыш. Теперь ребятам придется своей кровью расплачиваться за поступок, на который способен каждый из нас…
Voodoo Dawn
In the eerie backdrop of the Lousiana bayou, former inmate Frank sees the opportunity of a lifetime in the form of cursed cash. But this cash has a price of its own. Avenging the death of his brother at the hands of police officer Sam Merchant, Frank, with Jezabelle, form a sadistic plan of vengeance mixing violent rituals and voodoo curses. But Merchant's son A.J. escapes almost certain death. Now, in order to save his family and himself, A.J. is pitted into a deadly standoff with ancient evil. Delve into the underworld of voodoo magic and the occult and pray for your soul.
Rescuers: Stories of Courage - Two Women
Aaron Weinstock (segment "Mamusha")
First in a series of anthology films dealing with Christians who put their lives on the line to help rescue Jews from the Holocaust. In the first of two short films, "Mamusha," as the Nazis invade her country, a Polish Catholic housekeeper takes under her wing the youngster in the Jewish family for whom she is employed, and shepherds him through WWII in hopes of ultimately getting him repatriated to Palestine. In "Woman on a Bicycle," an unmarried French woman is pressed into service by the church to distribute underground communication pamphlets for the Resistance and ultimately ends up helping the church shelter 19 Jews.
The Boys Club
Three teenage boys in small-town Southern Ontario are thrilled when Luke Cooper, a mysterious American fugitive with a gunshot wound in his leg, decides to crash their secret hideout. Luke tells them that he's a cop on the run from corrupt colleagues, and swears them to silence. As he recuperates, he becomes their buddy and confidante. By the time the boys realize Luke is not who he pretends to be, they're in way over their heads
What Kind of Mother Are You?
Steven Hyler
Kelly keeps getting into trouble with the police. Her mother agrees to her going into a juvenile detention center overnight. She is kept there for much longer. During her incarceration, she is assaulted by inmates and abused by the system.
The Teddy Bears' Christmas
Wally Bear (voice)
Sally, the little sister of teddy bear Ben's owner, Simon, would like her very own teddy bear and asks Santa Claus for one. Simon teases Sally about her letter to Santa, whose existence he is a little skeptical about, and at the same time tries to find out what it is she wants. But for Sally, it is a secret between herself, Santa and Ben.
The Teddy Bears' Picnic
Wally Bear (voice)
One magical day each year the teddy bears of the world come alive to gather in the forest for food, fun and games. One year, with the help of two warmhearted teddy bears, a sad, little girl got a special look at this joyful event.
Blue Monkey
While working in a greenhouse, a man receives an insect bite after touching an exotic plant. Immediately, he falls ill and is taken to an emergency room where the doctors diagnose him as suffering from an unknown bacteria, and a strange parasite which emerges from his mouth as a large slimy wormlike creature. Soon, there are more cases of bacterial infection, but the more immediate problem for the hospital is the wormlike creature which after accidental exposure to a genetic growth stimulant grows to monstrous proportions and starts a reign of terror and bloodshed in the hospitals abandoned wing.
Bob and his wife Linda accompany his brother Jim on a sailing cruise to Costa Rica, where Jim will start as a missionary. In a terrible storm their boat flips over. Jim believes the accident was a sign from god and throws away their distilling apparatus and food - "You shall not interfere with god's will". However nobody knows they're lost, so no one searches them for weeks.
Любовь и аэробика
Joel Blair
Три подруги, бросив скучную работу машинисток, открывают свой клуб аэробики (по-современному - финтес-центр) «Божественные тела». Главную героиню берут ведущей на местное телевидение. Но у клуба появляются конкуренты..