Alexis Rault

Alexis Rault

Рождение : 1981-08-12, Nantes, Loire-Atlantique, France


Alexis Rault


The Disappearance?
Mathieu Sapin, a successful comic books author (Gérard, cinq années dans les pattes de Depardieu), creates an album to mark the fortieth anniversary of François Mitterand’s election. He turns to the figures in the shadows of the Socialist Party, in the forefront of which is Julien Dray known as the “Baron Noir”. Through anecdotes and firsthand accounts of those who spent time in the highest spheres of the French state since 1981, Mathieu Sapin attempts to answer the big question: “who killed the French left?”.
In her last year of secondary school, a bright Indonesian student is determined to pursue her education and resist getting married, despite the expectations of her community.
Roger Corman, the Pope of Pop Cinema
Documentary on the life of legendary filmmaker Roger Corman, often referred to as the "Pope of Pop Cinema"
Une nuit, le Louvre avec Lambert Wilson
Ласточки Кабула
Original Music Composer
Лето 1998, Кабул под властью талибов. Зунейра и Мохсен молоды и влюблены, в них еще свежа память о тех временах, когда на улицах города царило веселье, а женщины могли получать образование и ходить с открытым лицом. Нынче все иначе: тоталитарный режим, религиозный фанатизм, жестокие публичные казни и черные бурки, которые полностью скрывают женщин от мужских глаз. Как выжить в этой системе? Как сохранить разум? Неосторожный жест, опрометчивый поступок может вести к гибели или – еще хуже – к предательству всего, во что ты веришь, и потере всего, что для тебя ценно. Мохсен совершает роковую ошибку, и их с Зунейрой маленький семейный мир дает трещину.
Farewell to the Night
Original Music Composer
Muriel is overjoyed, as her beloved grandson Alex is staying at her place for a few days before moving to Canada to work. But when the changes in his behavior arouse her curiosity, she is led to the discovery of a dark secret.
Lola and Her Brothers
Lola has two brothers: Benoit, who is getting married for the third time, and Pierre, who shows up late for the wedding. Excuses, reproaches, arguments, misunderstandings... beneath it all, they're just doing their best to live their own lives. Benoit is about to become a father, but he's not ready yet. Lola meets Zoher while she's still going through her divorce. Pierre's professional problems take a turn for the worse. Though everything in their lives seems to be pulling them apart, the three of them stick together - an inseparable trio.
He Even Has Your Eyes
Original Music Composer
Paul is married to Sali. Everything would be fine if they could get a child. Until the day when Sali receives the call that they have been waiting for so long: their adoption file is approved. He is adorable, he is 6 months old, his name is Benjamin. He is blond with blue eyes and white. They - are black.
Когда тебе семнадцать
Original Music Composer
В Пиренейских горах два совершенно разных юноши проходят путь от взаимной неприязни и вражды до положения лучших друзей. Отличная успеваемость в школе, внимательная мать, отец-лётчик, геройствующий где-то в горячей точки — это всё о Дамьене; приёмные родители, которые не могли родить своего ребёнка, поэтому усыновили чужого, чернокожего мальчика с дикарскими повадками Маугли, а теперь мать неожиданно забеременела и ситуация в семье перешла от плохого к худшему — это всё о Томе. Два совершенно разных подростка под давлением обстоятельств вынуждены будут сблизиться и пройти длинный путь становления дружбы.
The Hitchhiker
A couple runs over a cyclist with their car, but a hitchhiker appears before they can get rid of the lifeless body. They allow the hitchhiker to join them, not knowing what he saw. Doubts overtake them. Playing on the ambiguity of the situation, the hitchhiker will not let the couple come out of this intact.
Les souvenirs
Romain is 23 years old. He would like to be a writer, but for now, it is night porter in a hotel. His father is 62 years old. He retires and pretends to fuck. His roommate is 24 years old. He thinks only one thing: to seduce a girl, any and all means. Her grandmother is 85 years old. She finds herself in a retirement home and wondered what she does with all these old. One day his father arrived in disaster. His grandmother was gone. She escaped somehow. Romain goes looking for him somewhere in his memories ...
С семи лет Алекс одержим одной мыслью — соблазнить Сандру Валенти, самую красивую девушку в Экс-ан-Провансе, для него самую красивую девушку во всём мире. Время пришло, и он выбирает беспроигрышный план для того, чтобы добиться своей цели. Он решает воспользоваться услугами Антуана Шамона. Того самого человека, который двадцать лет назад соблазнил мать Сандры Монику.
Max is 6 years old. She lives with her dad Toni, a small time crook with a golden heart. For Xmas, Max offers him Rose, a call-girl found on the street whom she’s very fond of. Despite the complicated situation, Toni’s gonna have a hard time refusing her daughter’s «gift» and must coexist with Rose.
Jo's Boy
Original Music Composer
Grandson of a legendary rugby player, son of a legendary rugby player, and he himself a legendary rugby player, Jo Canavero raises his only son, Tom, in a small village in the Tarn region. To the great displeasure of Jo, thirteen-year-old Tom is as good at math as he is useless on the rugby field. For a Canavero, the legend can't stop there, even if it means setting up a rugby team specifically for Tom, despite the wishes of the whole village and of Tom himself.