Napoleon Stratogiannakis


В пятницу между вами может пролететь искра, которая приведет к потрясающим выходным, но что делать, если впереди ждёт неизбежный понедельник?
Modern dance is an evocative narrative tool in Georgia Parris' debut, which investigates a young woman's identity and the complex relationship she has with her mother and sister.
Свидетельница Иеговы вынуждена избегать свою собственную сестру из-за ее религиозных проступков. Вместе с тем она начинает задаваться вопросом о значении божьей любви.
The Prevailing Winds
A lone hiker searches for her sister across moorland, despite an invisible and deadly threat in the air.
Уже немолодой Костис назначен врачом на небольшой остров, где и проводит скучную зиму. Однако с наступлением лета все кругом оживает, пляжи заполняются отдыхающими, нудистами, безумными вечеринками. Костис по уши влюбляется в молодую кокетливую Анну и во что бы то ни стало хочет произвести на нее впечатление. Теперь почти все время он тратит на пьянки и вечеринки. Приключение, начавшееся как возврат к давно ушедшей молодости, перерастает в навязчивую идею, и Костис уже на все готов, лишь бы удержать Анну.
This is not an easy mystery to solve in all its subtleties. In the last paragraph, I give my take on the characters. I won't give away the principal spoiler. Still, if you want to exercise your Sherlock skills to the fullest, skip that last paragraph. I'll warn you. A man leaves prison. He has been paroled. The best he can do at first is stay at a shelter for poor people and look for work. In the meantime he tries to reconnect with people he knows and to avoid the attention of several shady individuals that know him. That's the layout. The mystery elements arise from the fact that he is rejected by a few, pursued by a duo of suspicious looking men, and approached by a bunch of unsavory roughnecks that know him well. Why the rejection? Why the persecution? What is the gang about? The film is parsimonious about handing out hints and clues that we need to answer those questions. The best we can do is work out hypotheses and see if they pan out at the end.
Summer Holidays
Nikos, Christine, Homer, George, Regina, Dimitris, Jim, Margaret, Elias, Monika and Haris return from their summer holidays.
All the Weight of the World
Assistant Editor
Everyone carries something, some burden that weighs him down. Some are crushed, others are freed, others just carry on. Eleven characters cross each others paths, unveiling their fears and desires, during the world weightlifting championship