Lawrence Dobkin

Lawrence Dobkin

Рождение : 1919-09-16,

Смерть : 2002-10-28


Lawrence Dobkin


Розуэлл - тихий городок на юго-западе США. Именно здесь группа ученых случайно обнаруживает обломки неопознанного летательного аппарата. С первого взгляда ничем не приметные куски металла напоминают останки военного самолета, разбившегося в конце Второй мировой войны. Но дальнейшее расследование ученых приводит их к ужасающей разгадке. Находка в Розвелле есть не что иное, как обломки инопланетного корабля, прилетевшего с далеко не дружелюбной миссией...
The Rape of Doctor Willis
A drama directed by Lou Antonio.
Curiosity Kills
An apartment block janitor stumbles upon a deadly secret after one of the residents seemingly commits suicide and a mysterious new tenant arrives.
Rock Hudson
Raoul Walsh
Biography of actor Rock Hudson focuses on his struggle with his homosexuality. Based on the book by his ex-wife, Phyllis Gates, and on the court records from the civil suit brought by his former lover, Marc Christian.
Car thieves go to work.
In Search of Historic Jesus
Pontius Pilate
Re-created Biblical tableaux mixed with interviews.
Brenda Starr, Reporter
Pilot for unproduced Brenda Starr television series
Territorial Men
The story of Sara Yarnell, a schoolteacher who moves from Philadelphia to the Western frontier to start a new life. She becomes the only teacher in a one-room schoolhouse in Independence, Colorado.
Mysteries From Beyond Earth
Himself - Host
Documentary about UFOs and related phenomena.
The Life and Times of Grizzly Adams
After fleeing into the mountains after he is wrongly accused of murder, woodsman "Grizzly Adams" discovers an uncanny bond to the indigenous wildlife of the region after rescuing an orphaned grizzly bear cub whom he adopts and calls "Ben".
The Midnight Man
Waldo Mason
An ex-convict, and ex-cop, finds himself in the midst of drama as a murder, of a female student, is commited at the university where he works as a night watchman. He is reluctantly drawn into the criminal investigation and eventually becomes a suspect in the case. Will he be able to find the real murderer and clear his own name, or not?
Hickspoiltation film from the early 1970s ostensibly starring Oscar nominee Mercedes McCambridge, but really more a film looking for an excuse to show off Simone Griffeth's beauty. She plays a daughter of a swamp family. The whole family goes to a carnival where she is seduced by an older male performer, while her teen brother is seduced by an older female performer.
An American intelligence agent attempts to kidnap a top Nazi general.
Colonel Gaston Bell
По книгам «Паттон: испытания и триумф» и «История солдата» генерала Омара Н. Брэдли. Биография генерала Джорджа Паттона, чей темперамент часто оказывал влияние на ход военных действий во время второй мировой войны.
Johnny Yuma
Linus Jerome Carradine
Infidelity, murder, and betrayal lies at the center of this violent Spaghetti western. A scheming wife does away with her husband, causing the man's heir to seek revenge. A number of double-crosses and bloody gun battles follow, eventually driving the woman to flee into the desert.
The Cabinet of Caligari
Dr. Frank David
A delirious young woman feels trapped in a remote mansion at the mercy of a madman.
General George A. Crook
Залпы перестрелок на красном фоне старого юго-запада…
The Gene Krupa Story
Speaker Willis
The story of legendary jazz drummer, Gene Krupa. Since his youth, all Gene ever wanted to do is play the drums and make music. This is something his parents would not approve of- they want him to be a priest. When Gene's father dies he promises to enter the priesthood. He soon realizes that he doesn't belong there and leaves to join his friend, Eddie's band. Ethel, Eddie's girlfriend, convinces Gene to go to New York and make it big. The 3 of them head to New York. Here Ethel and Gene soon fall in love and Gene makes a name for himself. Gene starts to live in the fast lane, with drugs, alcohol, women and parties. Ethel, unhappy with Gene's lifestyle, leaves him. Gene soon "hits rock bottom" where he has to face reality and choose where to take his life.
The Big Operator
Phil Cernak
A power-mad union boss resorts to murder to eliminate witnesses scheduled to testify against him. The eclectic cast includes Mickey Rooney, Mamie Van Doren, Mel Torme, Jay North, Vampira, Charles Chaplin Jr., Jackie Coogan and Norman Grabowski.
На север через северо-запад
U.S. Intelligence Agency Official (uncredited)
Шпионская организация ошибочно принимает Роджера Торнхилла, служащего рекламной компании, за некоего двойного агента Каплана. В то же время, будучи преследуемым полицией по подозрению в убийстве, которое он не совершал, Торнхилл влюбляется в девушку по имени Ева, но и она оказывается не той, за которую себя выдает
The Killers of Mussolini
As the Salo Republic crumbles around him, Mussolini, along with his mistress and several of his ministers flee with retreating Nazi soldiers, but are caught at the town of Dongo by red partisans. All are brutally executed without trial.
Tokyo After Dark
Maj. Bradley
An American serviceman stationed in Tokyo, who's engaged to a local singer, faces both a military court-martial and a trial in the Japanese courts after an accidental shooting in which a teenager is killed.
The Lost Missile
A missile from parts unknown enters an orbit only 5 miles above Earth's surface and, due to friction from its intense speed through our atmosphere, proceeds to incinerate everything in its immediate wake.
Скованные одной цепью
Такого рода сюжеты неоднократно появлялись на экранах в разные годы, но всегда неизменно захватывали зрителя и давали отличную кассу. Обычно два абсолютно разных человека вынуждены бежать из тюряги вместе, и дальше их существование и свобода полностью зависят от умения найти общий язык, понять желания другого и примириться с непохожестью товарища по несчастью. Вот и в этом фильме образовалась такая парочка. Зашоренный и однобокий белый расист в исполнении Тони Кертиса и здоровенный негр в исполнении Сидни Пуатье мало сказать, что недолюбливают друг друга. Они и представить себе недавно не могли, что могут жить в одном ритме, прикасаться друг к другу, даже говорить… Но свобода дороже. И «скованные одной цепью» беглецы начинают свой страшный путь…
Wild Heritage
Josh Burrage
Travails of a family heading West in a covered wagon.
Raiders of Old California
Don Miguel Sebastian
A villainous cavalry officer is trying to force the owner of a hacienda to give him his land when a courageous settler comes to the rescue.
Portland Exposé
The owner of a tavern is pressured by the local mob to go into business with them, and figures it's better all around if he does that rather than cause trouble. However, when he starts to see what kind of place his nice little neighborhood bar is turning into, and when one of the mob's goons tries to rape his daughter, he decides to fight them.
Сладкий запах успеха
Leo Bartha (uncredited)
Сидни Фалько мечтает о том мгновении, когда он будет управлять судьбами людей и плевать на них сверху, как это делает его кумир и лучший друг Джей Джей Хансекер. Но Джей Джей зол на Сидни: он поручил своему протеже разлучить Сьюзен, сестру Хансекера и джазового гитариста Стива. Сидни лезет из кожи вон, чтобы его благодетель снова стал милостив.
The Badge of Marshal Brennan
Jim Davis is a man on the run. He comes across the body of a dead man wearing the badge of a marshal. He buries the body and takes the badge and rides on. At the next town, he is mistaken for the dead man, a legendary marshal named Brennan. The town sent for Marshal Brennan because they were facing a crisis that includes among other things an epidemic. The Stranger decides to stay as a way of hiding from the men chasing him. What he does not realize is that when he takes on the Badge of Marshal Brennan, he takes on the responsibilities of Marshal Brennan.
Десять заповедей
Hur Ben Caleb
Фильм повествует о знаменитом библейском персонаже Моисее, о его рождении, возмужании, культовом исходе евреев из Египта…
The Killer Is Loose
Bank Robber (uncredited)
A savings-and-loan bank is robbed; later, a police wiretap identifies teller Leon Poole as inside man. In capturing him, detective Sam Wagner accidentally kills Poole's young wife, and at his trial Poole swears vengeance against Wagner. Poole begins his plans to get revenge when he escapes his captors.
Al Carol
A hugely successful DA goes into private practice after sending a man to the chair -- only to find out later he was innocent. Now the drunken attorney only seems to represent criminals and low lifes.
Jump Into Hell
Major Maurice Bonet
Arriving in IndoChina by parachute, Captain Guy Bertrand and his comrades make a courageous stand against the Communist forces. Jump into Hell is one of the first films to deal with the ongoing conflict in Vietnam or, as it was still known in 1955, French IndoChina.
General's Aide (uncredited)
A fire worshipping cult of Indian is disbanded by a man, his elephant and tiger.
African Manhunt
Commentator (voice)
Kirby, Davis and Drover escort the wanted criminal Rene Carvel from central Africa to the coast, stopping every so often to watch wild animals attack one another.
Серебряная чаша
Грeчecкий cкульптoр Бaзиль из Aнтиoхии призвaн ближaйшими cпoдвижникaми Хриcтa cдeлaть ceрeбряную oпрaву для cвятoй чaши Ииcуca (Cвятoгo Грaaля) и изoбрaзить пo ee oкружнocти лики aпocтoлoв и caмoгo Ииcуca. Для этoгo скульптор eдeт в Иeруcaлим, a зaтeм в Рим, чтoбы зaкoнчить рaбoту. Тeм врeмeнeм, бecчecтный шaрлaтaн и прoтивник Хриcтa — Cимoн Вoлхв пытaeтcя убeдить тoлпы в тoм, чтo oн — иcтинный Бoг, иcпoльзуя для этoй цeли oбыкнoвeнныe трюки и фoкуcы…
The Big Moment
Three individual stories that give an account of crucial moments in the lives of three different people: one is a young thief from Casablanca, another is an immigrant doctor brought to the United States and the third is a girl who survived the Holocaust. All three are given a chance to live with dignity and self-respect.
Riders to the Stars
Dr. Delmar
Three men gamble their lives in space to change the history of the world
Юлий Цезарь
Third Citizen of Rome
Исключительная адаптация шекспировской трагедии о чести, героизме, верности и страхе тирании.
Remains to Be Seen
Captain of Waiters (uncredited)
A singer and her apartment manager get mixed up in a creepy Park Avenue murder and find themselves facing danger at every turn.
Above and Beyond
Dr. Van Dyke
The story of Colonel Paul Tibbets, the pilot that dropped the atomic bomb on Hiroshima. Although unaware of the full potential of this new weapon, he knows that it can do tremendously more damage than any other weapon used before, and that the death toll resulting from it will be huge. He is reluctant to be the person who will end so many lives, but as time goes on, the pressure upon him only increase.
Loan Shark
Walter Kerr
A vicious loan shark ring has been preying on factory workers. When several workers at a tire factory suffer violence at the hands of the loan sharkers, a union leader and the factory owner try to recruit ex-con Joe Gargan to infiltrate to the gang. At first Joe does not want to get involved, but changes his mind when his brother-in-law dies at the hands of a savage loan shark hood. Joe works his way into the mob, but in order to keep his cover, Joe can't tell anyone what he is up to. This results in him being disowned by his sister and girl friend.
Young Man with Ideas
Prosecutor at Hearing (uncredited)
A Montana lawyer gets distracted after moving to California with his wife and children.
Криминальная полоса в прессе США
Larry Hansen (uncredited)
Эд Хатчисон, принципиальный и несговорчивый редактор Нью-Йоркской газеты «День», обнаруживает, что наследники покойного владельца продают неспокойную газету своему коммерческому конкуренту. Сначала он рассматривает нависшую безработицу как возможность вернуть свою жену Нору, с которой он в разводе уже два года. Но когда его репортер, расследуя деятельность рэкетира Ренци, оказывается, ужасно избит, Хатчисон начинает бескомпромиссный крестовый поход против гангстера, в надежде, что Ренци может быть причастен к убийству молодой женщины…и все это за три выпуска до закрытия газеты «День».
Red Skies of Montana
Leo (uncredited)
When a large forest fire breaks out in the mountains of Montana, a squad of 'Smoke Jumpers', the paratroop-corps of fire-fighters in the U. S. Forest Service, is flown to the scene from their regional headquarters in Missoula, Montana. The Forest Rangers, under Cliff Mason, put out the blaze, but several of the fire-fighters are killed. Ed Miller, son of one of the dead rangers, thinks he died because Mason was a coward, and sets out to prove it.
A young crusading reporter in a small town tackles civic corruption.
People Will Talk
Business Manager (uncredited)
Successful and well-liked, Dr. Noah Praetorius becomes the victim of a witchhunt at the hands of Professor Elwell, who disdains Praetorius's unorthodox medical views and also questions his relationship with the mysterious, ever-present Mr. Shunderson.
Chain of Circumstance
Dr. Callen (as Larry Dobkin)
A childless couple adopts a baby girl, but a crime committed by the husband's secretary could cause them to lose custody of the infant.
Frenchie Fontaine sells her successful business in New Orleans to come West. Her reason? Find the men who killed her father, Frank Dawson. But she only knows one of the two who did and she's determined to find out the other.
Мёртв по прибытии
Dr. Schaefer
Иногда человек узнает, что мертв, за несколько часов до гибели. Как, например, аудитор Фрэнк Бигелоу из маленького городка в Калифорнии, который в один жуткий момент обнаруживает, что отравлен медленно действующим ядом и обречен на смерть через 24 часа. Мотивов преступления нет. Есть лишь неукротимая жажда найти за эти сутки своего убийцу и призвать его к ответу. Маловато времени, но живому мертвецу терять нечего: он не будет церемониться на своем страшном пути к правде… и смерти. Отсчет пошел. Фрэнк Бигелоу ищет собственного убийцу. Нет, он не призрак, он живой человек, но его отравили, он об этом знает. Как и то, что жить ему осталось около дня…
Dr. Wayne
The wife of a psychoanalyst falls prey to a devious quack hypnotist when he discovers she is an habitual shoplifter. Then one of his previous patients now being treated by the real doctor is found murdered, with her still at the scene, and suspicion points only one way.
Never Fear
Dr. Middleton
A dancer who has just gotten engaged to her partner and choreographer and is about to embark on a major career is devastated to learn that she has contracted polio.
Вертикальный взлет
Captain Twombley, group chaplain (uncredited)
1942 год, Англия. Группа американских бомбардировщиков расположена на военной базе в местечке Арчбери, куда прибывает бригадный генерал Фрэнк Сэвэйдж. Его личное участие в вылетах эскадрильи, целью которых были бомбардировки наземных объектов нацистов, поднимает упавший было моральный и боевой дух его подчиненных. Знаете ли Вы, что... : Термин "Twelve O"Clock High" относится к протоколу боевых экипажей поиска места наступающих вражеских самолетов, ссылаясь на воображаемый циферблат часов, на которых самолет находится в центре циферблата, и находится ли противник выше, на уровне или ниже самолета. Таким образом, вызов, "Bandits, twelve o"clock high!" (дословно — "Противник, на 12 часах!")был предупреждением о надвигающейся опасности.
Not Wanted
Asst. District Attorney
After a beautiful but unsophisticated girl is seduced by a worldly piano player and gives up her out-of-wedlock baby, her guilt compels her to kidnap another child.