A Son of Satan is a 1924 silent race film directed, written, produced and distributed by Oscar Micheaux. The film follows the misadventures of a man who accepted a bet to spend a night in a haunted house. Micheaux shot the film in The Bronx, New York, and Roanoke, Virginia. A Son of Satan ran into distribution problems when state censorship boards rejected the film based on its contents. New York censors objected to the film’s depiction of violence, particularly against women and animals (a cat is killed onscreen in one scene, a Ku Klux Klan leader is slain and a man chokes his wife to death), while Virginia censors complained the film’s references to miscegenation would "prove offensive to Southern ladies". In at least one state the film was banned for its title alone No print of the film is known to exist and it is presumed to be a lost film.
Virgil Custard leads Vickburg, Mississippi's black baseball team through assorted farcical adventures.
The Gunsaulus Mystery is a 1921 American silent race film directed, produced, and written by Oscar Micheaux. The film was inspired by events and figures in the 1913-1915 trial of Leo Frank, a Jewish man, for the murder of Mary Phagan, a Christian girl. The film is now believed to be lost.
Eve Mason, a white-passing black woman, moves to a remote cottage she inherited from her late father. She makes the acquaintance of her neighbor, a dashing black settler named Hugh Van Allen, and quickly falls for him. Trouble brews as the local cadre of racist hucksters want the valuable land Van Allen lives on, and will do anything to take it from him.
Efram - Gridlestone's Servant
Образованная чернокожая женщина Сильвия Ландри, брошенная женихом из-за козней своей кузины, решает помочь удержаться на плаву почти обанкротившейся деревенской школе для негров, для чего отправляется в Бостон, где знакомится с доктором В. Вивиан, интересующимся социальными вопросами. Тем временем, по указанию начальника полиции начинается слежка за Ларри Причардом, домогавшимся ее в свое время сводным братом ее кузины, являющимся членом преступного мира по кличке "Пиявка"...