Based on the award winning novel by Tarjei Vesaas, The Birds tells the tale of Mattis, a mentally disabled man cared for by his lonely older sister, Hege. Their everyday routine and isolated existence is interrupted when a lumberjack arrives at their lakeside cottage and falls in love with Hege, leaving Mattis fearful that he will lose his sister.
Nils works with a comedy talk-show but doesn’t get the respect that he thinks he deserves. At a pitch meeting one of his ideas gets stolen by his colleague, Fabian. Everyone loves the idea, but no one except Nils realizes the fact that Fabian stole it.
Juliette Margarin
Страдающий от несчастной любви Доктор Проктор отправляется назад во времени и отчаянно пытается изменить историю. Он хочет расстроить свадьбу своей возлюбленной Джульетты и ужасного Клода Клише, но попадает в ловушку. Лизе и Булле, юным помощникам и соседям доктора, приходится вступить в игру...