Sebastian Fillenberg


Kein einfacher Mord
Original Music Composer
Nina and Paul's marriage is over. They are just waiting for an opportunity to teach their son Tim. During a chance encounter, Nina flirts with Viktor, her son's hockey coach, and goes home alone with him. A decision with serious consequences. Nina is almost raped by him, defends herself and kills Viktor in the process. Paul has followed the two and witnesses the accident, which makes a self-defense situation implausible. Agitated, the two drive home without notifying the police.
Der wilde Wald
Original Music Composer
Der Irland-Krimi: Vergebung
The decades of struggle in Northern Ireland left deep wounds that have not yet healed. Criminal psychologist Cathrin Blake is faced with the delicate task of mediating in a perpetrator-victim conversation.
Der Irland-Krimi: Das Verschwinden
The psychologist Cathrin Blake actually wants to withdraw from her work for the police. After a mysterious murder during the ghost parade of the "Samhain" harvest festival, however, Superintendent Kelly asks for her support. It's not just about the bloody act, but also about the disappearance of Holly Reid, the victim's friend.
Der Irland-Krimi: Die Toten von Glenmore Abbey
Original Music Composer
On the site of a former children's home, the remains of ten babies and one adult are found. At the dead man's ring, a former psychologist recognizes her missing husband. But the police do not believe her and so she goes on her own tracks.
Unterm Birnbaum
After the death of their child, the Hradschek couple consoled themselves with gambling and shopping orgies. After the creditor increases the pressure on them, Ursel and Abel decide to kill him.
Congo Calling
Three Europeans in the crisis zone of eastern Congo. They want to help, but their situation is complicated. Three personal perspectives on coexistence and cooperation between Europe and Africa - and the question: how helpful is the help of the West?
Взрослые игры
Original Music Composer
Мартин Беренс - эксперт по Ближнему Востоку, работающий на немецкую разведку BND. Его жизнь выходит из-под контроля, когда террористы нападают на мюнхенский ресторан, и одной из жертв оказывается его подруга Аурис Кёлер. Но действительно ли Аурис просто случайная жертва теракта?
Кошка с дефектом
Original Music Composer
Мина всю жизнь жила в Иране и решила, что ей пора замуж. Родители свели её с Кианом, парнем иранского происхождения, живущего в Германии. Мина переезжает в Германию и начинает привыкать к новой жизни. Но семейный уклад начинает рушиться, когда девушка приносит домой кошку.
The Garden
In the summer of 1976, a shared family yard becomes the setting, as the adults bicker over selling the garden and the kids are free to explore the mysterious neighboring lot. Then they hear about a girl that has disappeared...
Мы Были Королями
Группа быстрого реагирования немецкой полиции попадает в сложную ситуацию: при штурме наркопритона убиты двое наркодилеров и ранен их товарищ. Позже при загадочных обстоятельствах погибают еще двое сотрудников группы. На свой страх и риск они начинают охоту за убийцей их товарищей ...