Kim Darby

Kim Darby

Рождение : 1947-07-08, Los Angeles, California, USA


​From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia.   Kim Darby (born July 8, 1947) is an American actress perhaps best known for co-starring with John Wayne and country singer/actor Glen Campbell in the 1969 western True Grit.


Kim Darby
Kim Darby
Kim Darby


Зло внутри
Mildy Torres
После смерти родителей старший брат становится единственным другом для психически нестабильного подростка по имени Деннис Питерсон. Но брат постоянно занят, ему надо заниматься работой и личной жизнью, поэтому юный психопат начинает общаться с собственным отражением в старинном антикварном зеркале. Отражение Денниса из зеркального мира — существо умное, сильное и могущественное. К тому же, оно и не отражение вовсе, а древний демон, жаждущий вырваться наружу.
Cold Ones
Every stranger has a secret in writer-director Garrett Clancy’s indie drama, also released as Dead Letters. Ten years after his first novel went down in flames, the hard knocks just won’t stop for K.C. Corcoran (C. Thomas Howell) - his girlfriend’s just thrown him out. K.C. hopes to get his life back on track by writing another book and heads to a remote mountain cabin to work on it … but the locals prove more hazardous than he could have guessed.
Mockingbird Don't Sing
Louise Standon
The tragic true story of one of the worst cases of child abuse ever documented (in which a girl was locked in a room without social contact for nearly thirteen years) and what happened when she was finally rescued.
Frances Johnson
A reporter risks his life to get to the bottom of a stack of lies, corruption and murder surrounding the opening of a local power plant.
The Last Best Sunday
Mrs. Summers
A Hispanic teenager hides out from the law in the home of a good-natured, but rebellious, Caucasian teenage girl after killing two rednecks whom beat him up and left him for dead, leading to a collision of cultures between the two youths.
Хэллоуин 6: Проклятие Майкла Майерса
Debra Strode
Продолжение известного триллера о безжалостном маньяке Майкле Майерсе, который в очередной раз появляется в маленьком американском городке Хэддонфилд накануне праздника Дня Всех Святых.
Deadly Embrace
A beautiful but horny and neglected Beverly Hills wife hires a hot young stud as a gardener. It eventually gets through to her husband that some hanky-panky may possibly be going on, and he begins to spy on her.
Волчонок 2
Professor Brooks
Although awkward college student Todd Howard is particularly adept at science, he's paying for school with an athletic scholarship that he will lose should he not fare well in an upcoming boxing tournament. Luckily for Todd, he has inherited the same family curse that once turned his cousin into a werewolf. As he transforms into the hairy, fanged, howling monster, he finds both his physical agility and his popularity skyrocketing -- but at what cost?
Уж лучше умереть
Jenny Meyer
От героя картины по имени Лэйн — ушла девушка. Ушла хладнокровно, без сантиментов, заявив на прощание, что ей по вкусу кто-нибудь посимпатичней, побогаче и попопулярней. Сказала…и ушла с капитаном школьной команды лыжников, разбив сердце бедолаге Лэйну, существование которого сразу перестало иметь всякий смысл!
Sue Davidson
US ambassador in Rome must protect US interests and secrets from mob, spies and curious girlfriends who may be more than what they seem.
Summer Girl
Mary Shelburne
When seductive young Cinni comes to babysit for a troubled couple, she's after more than extra spending money. Starting with the kids and working around to the husband, evil Cinni plots to take over a young mother's life--ruthlessly dealing with anyone who gets in her way.
The Capture of Grizzly Adams
Kate Brady
A wilderness-loving man must clear himself of a wrongful murder charge and rescue his daughter who may be sent to an orphanage in this made-for-TV movie.
Enola Gay: The Men, the Mission, the Atomic Bomb
Lucy Tibbets
The story of Col. Paul Tibbets and his crew who flew the Enola Gay, the plane that dropped the first atomic bomb on Hiroshima, bringing World War II to a close.
Flatbed Annie & Sweetie Pie: Lady Truckers
Ginny "Sweetie Pie" LaRosa
This engaging made-for-television movie follows the adventures of Ginny "Sweetie Pie" LaRosa (Kim Darby), who needs money after her trucker husband, Jack (Fred Willard), is shot by hijackers. Fortunately, she finds a partner in Flatbed Annie (Annie Potts), a freewheelin' driver. The women form an unlikely but profitable friendship while fending off the repo man who wants the truck and the criminals who are after the cocaine hidden in it.
The One and Only
Mary Crawford
1951: Andy Schmidt is in his last year of college. Taking life easy and always a saucy joke on his lips, he manages to win fellow student Mary's heart, although she's already otherwise engaged. But getting a job after college turns out much harder than expected; most directors take offense at his free interpretation of his roles. Desperate, he tries in wrestling. To avoid getting beaten up he stages the fights - and incidentally invents show-wrestling.
Good Salary, Prospects, Free Coffin
After two of her roommates disappear while out for a job interview, a woman answers a want ad for the same job.
This Is the West That Was
Calamity Jane
A lighthearted look at the saga of Wild Bill Hickok and his relationship with Calamity Jane as he is targeted for revenge by some tough gunfighters.
The Story of Pretty Boy Floyd
Ruby Hardgrave
A humanistic account of "the Robin Hood of the Cookson Hills", in which Charles Arthur Floyd is portrayed as a decent man who has a strong sense of family and duty.
Не бойся темноты
Sally Farnham
Салли Фарнэм с мужем переезжает в родовое викторианское поместье, где несколько лет никто не жил. В подвале девушка обнаруживает прекрасный камин, замурованный кирпичной кладкой, а дверца для уборки пепла оказывается надёжно запечатанной. Плотник говорит, что сделал это по просьбе прежней хозяйки дома, бабушки Салли, и уверяет, что новым хозяевам стоит оставить всё как есть. Но любопытство девушки берёт верх, и она откручивает винты дверцы, тем самым выпуская на волю жутких демонических существ.
The People
Melodye Amerson
A young woman is assigned to teach school in a secluded valley whose inhabitants appear stern, secretive and anti-pleasure. Following two children who disappear to play in the woods, she finds that this is actually a community of extraterrestrials with mild paranormal powers who are attempting to repress and deny their heritage for fear of arousing prejudice and hatred in their human neighbors. Based on a series of novels by the late Zenna Henderson.
Банда Гриссомов
Barbara Blandish
Америка, 30-е годы. Невероятно жестокие, порочные и отвратительные бандиты во главе с мерзкой, как гремучая змея, Мамашей Гриссом и ее сыном-дебилом Слимом похищают юную наследницу рода Блэндишей. Бандиты планируют получить выкуп за девицу, а затем убить ее, от греха подальше. Неожиданно главарь подонков влюбляется в свою жертву, но что еще удивительнее, невинная девушка, вначале испытывающая лишь отвращение к Слиму и мечтающая спасти свою жизнь любой ценой, также влюбляется в идиота-садиста. А тем временем Джон Блэндиш объявляет награду за головы бандитов, похитивших его дочь.
Rita Lee Chipman
A Vietnam veteran returns to his Texas home but feels restless and decides to become a radio singer.
The Strawberry Statement
A college student joins a group of revolutionaries to meet girls but ends up committed to their goals.
Doris Bolton Owen
Newlyweds shock the bride's father with plans for natural childbirth in a Greenwich Village loft.
Настоящее мужество
Mattie Ross
Упрямая молодая особа нанимает нашего героя — бесстрашного «одинокого волка», одноглазого служителя закона, Рустера Когберна, чтобы найти убийцу своего отца, который скрылся с её фамильными сбережениями. «Заказчица» ставит совершенно невыносимое для нашего героя условие — она настаивает на своём участии в розыске преступника. Ситуация превращается из катастрофической в безнадёжную, после того как к ним присоединяется неопытный и излишне деятельный техасский рэйнджер.
Sandy True
Агенты Объединенного командования органов правопорядка (U.N.C.L.E.) Наполеон Соло и Илья Курякин ищут по всему свету секретную формулу превращения соленой воды в золото, которую умирающий ученый разделил на четыре части и раздал четырем своим дочерям, живущим в разных странах. За ними по пятам следует злодей Рандолф со своим помощником...
Ellen Wells
Citizens of San Francisco are stunned by the news that Robert Ironside, the city's hard-nosed, tough-talking chief of detectives, has been shot and left for dead while vacationing at his friend the Police Commissioner's rural retreat. Ironside survives the murder attempt, but the bullet has damaged nerves in his spine, leaving him a paraplegic. Unable to gain reinstatement as chief of detectives, Ironside gets permission to continue investigating criminal cases as a citizen volunteer. With the assistance of two former protegees, Det. Sgt. Ed Brown and Officer Eve Whitfield, and a newly-hired aide/driver, Mark Sanger, Ironside sets out to solve his first case as a civilian by finding the people responsible for the attempt on his life.
The Restless Ones
April Harris
A reporter doing a story on a Christian pastor who ministers to troubled teens doesn't realize that his own son is getting mixed up with a disturbed young girl and that both of them are headed for trouble.
Bus Riley's Back in Town
Gertrude "Gussie" Riley
Bus Riley returns to his small town after time in the army. On his return, his ex-girlfriend wants to resume their relationship. The only problem is she has married in the mean time. Searching for fulfilment in his life, Bus decides to get a job with his gay friend who is a mortician. When the mortician makes a pass at him, Bus quickly gets out.