Noémie Landreau

Noémie Landreau


Noémie Landreau


Entre Elles
A scorching summer. A large, dilapidated villa lost in the heights of a village in Southern France. Agneshka has invited three to spend a girls-only vacation together. Then Marie turns up, six-months pregnant. A strange uneasiness, made up of frustration, jealousy, and anxiety, then settles on the group.
Entre Elles
A scorching summer. A large, dilapidated villa lost in the heights of a village in Southern France. Agneshka has invited three to spend a girls-only vacation together. Then Marie turns up, six-months pregnant. A strange uneasiness, made up of frustration, jealousy, and anxiety, then settles on the group.
Entre Elles
A scorching summer. A large, dilapidated villa lost in the heights of a village in Southern France. Agneshka has invited three to spend a girls-only vacation together. Then Marie turns up, six-months pregnant. A strange uneasiness, made up of frustration, jealousy, and anxiety, then settles on the group.
Время приключений
La femme à l'accueil de la banque
Во сколько же надо встать, чтобы успеть на поезд в 6,50 утра? Аликс — не самой молодой и не самой успешной актрисе — пришлось пойти на такой подвиг, несмотря на неминуемые мешки под красными от недосыпания глазами. Иначе никак не успеть из Кале, где она играет на сцене, в Париж, где её ждут на кинопробы.
Low Profile
Baby-sitter 2
There's nothing to keep Yvan in Paris any longer. His wife has left him to live in Thailand. His teenage daughters have chosen to live with his sister Ariane, who is as anxious as she is admirable. Yvan is ready to leave... when beautiful Emmanuelle enters his life. She makes babies as easily as she falls in love, and she's accompanied by Léo, the little boy who Yvan's wife had with another man. Yvan is going to have to change his plans.
Анонимные романтики
Saleswoman 'À la Mère de Famille'
Скромный кондитер Жан-Рене и его новая обаятельная сотрудница Анжелика — идеальная пара: они оба без ума от шоколада, романтичной музыки и парижских вечеров под развесистыми каштанами. Но оба — ужасно стеснительны, и ни один из них никак не решится сделать ответственный шаг навстречу зову сердца. Смогут ли предназначенные друг для друга возлюбленные преодолеть природную робость или так и суждено им в одиночестве посещать собрания Общества Анонимных Романтиков?
Short - A godfather in the Mafia comes to have dinner in a trendy Italian restaurant. Faithful to his customs, he orders a calzone. In his great surprise, he does not find egg there inside. Mad with rage, he sends his two right hands to settle the situation in the kitchen. Be terrorized, the chef and his dumb apprentice, they learn that the problem comes from the hen Nuggets which, victim of a depression, refuses to lay. Numbers of dance, theater, intimidation, everything is good to obtain the saving egg.