Alenka Svetel


P.S. - Post Scriptum
A three-part omnibus drama that shows destinies of three grown men: first segment (Escape) is about a sculptor, the second segment (Shade) is about a loner, while the third segment (Ring) is about a movie star.
Real Pests!
In Ljubljana lives a bus driver Stebe. He's a widower. He lives with five sons and a maid Rozi. The boys are very naughty and keep annoying Rozi and, in fact all neighbourhood. One day Rozi in desperation declares that she is leaving them, because she cant stand it no more. And she does leave, although she is fond of the boys. Soon afterwards Rozi's niece Meri comes by, asking if she might stay because she wants to find herself a job in town. Meri is good girl but cannot cope with the kitchen work as successfully as her aunt. But the whole Steb family seems to be charmed by her. Even one of Stebe's own colleagues, Tone, begins to take interest in the girl. Meri likes him too. Stebe's boys feel quite disappointed because of it. But all's well that ends well: in full conspiracy Meri qualifies as bus driver while Rozi returns to the Stebe family.
Two stories - two truths are confronting. Former Partisan Miha is trying to tell a shocking story from the war times in the modern day disco club, where young people are having fun in a crazy rhythm of music with alcohol and drugs... Amongst the many issues this film explores are the following questions: Does the desire for pleasure and amusement always gain the upper hand against moral convictions and man's sense of responsibility and guilt? What things are worth sacrificing your life for? Are moral second thoughts and the search for the truth stronger than man's endless search for instant pleasure? Is the experience of war truly that which turns a boy into a man? And does love truly redeem death?
Twinkle Sleepyhead
Zvezdica Zaspanka (voice)
Twinkle Sleepyhead is the youngest star in the sky. Because she constantly comes late to her work, the Moon sends her to Earth to punish her. She may return to the sky when she proves that she has learnt her lesson. Among the people she meets on Earth there is also a bandit Ceferin, who wants to steal her golden hair. Due to the Twinkle Sleepyhead's innocent goodness his heart starts to beat instead of the stone he had before. Twinkle Sleepyhead returns to the sky.
We'll Meet Tonight
A student of music education comes to the music festival where organizers mix him up with the conductor. He accepts the role which creates lots of comic situations.
Don't Whisper
A young girl, Vesna, goes on a skiing vacation to Slovenian Alps, where she is being looked after by her aunt. Her family gets worried when they meet Vesna's boyfriend, and try to marry the couple, thinking that she may be pregnant with him.
Inštruktorica padalskega tečaja
Конечно, самый страшный экзамен — по математике. Тут на подсказку надежда плохая. Пришлось готовиться, зубрить теоремы, формулы. А ведь как всё было хитро задумано: друзья посылают письмо дочке преподавателя ненавистного предмета, добиваются свидания, а затем она помогает им миновать экзаменационную опасность. И надо же было этому случиться: друзья по ошибке приняли за дочку учителя какую-то постороннюю толстушку в очках, а письмо, полное юношеского вдохновения и поэзии, живой непосредственности и пылкости, попало в руки совсем другой — Яне, которая с волнением и радостью готовится к встрече с незнакомцем. Сано, придя на свидание, потрясён возникшим перед ним прекрасным видением. Яня нравится ему. Да и не удивительно: она грациозна, умна, лукава и кокетлива. Зато друзья Сано вне себя: рухнули сладкие надежды на «лёгкую жизнь»! А если говорить начистоту, они испытывают и зависть, наблюдая расцветающую на их глазах любовь двух молодых людей…