Park Min-sun


Schrödinger's Deserted Island
In a time when communication between parallel worlds has become commonplace, Gyeong-sin hears about a special kindergarten from her counterpart in a parallel world.
Candlelight Revolution
“What kind of person do you think former President Park Geunhye is?” Sohn Seokhee, a journalist, gives a clear and sharp answer that he “shares the common ideas that people in our country have.” That common idea has led millions to bring candles to the streets, correcting a thread of history that has gone awry, and gather a sense of hope among people. Candlelight Revolution portrays the voices of citizens from various generations, political figures of different parties, and the witnesses of an administration under improper influence. It is a documentary that identifies the genuine structure of politics and society by following how Park entered politics along with government records up until March 10.
The Singer
In the era of corruption, Hak-gyu sings songs and tells stories on the street with his band. One day, Hak-gyu's wife Gan-nan is kidnapped by gangsters and his daughter Cheong loses her eyesight after the incident. He decides to travel in search of his missing wife and learns that corrupted noblemen are behind the mob.
Somewhere in Between
Gi-tae, who continuously failed on his exam, returns to his hometown for the first time in ten years. He tried all different manual labors, but his debt-ridden life never seems to end. Soon Later, he starts working at a worn-out theater and meets Oh, the sign painter. Oh is never sober and always blunt, accordingly difficult to figure out. But Gi-tae doesn’t feel awkward around him.
A Long Way Around
Life story of sexually harassed women by Japanese army, so called "comfort women" and the reflected story of Grandma, Ok-seon Lee in that period of time
Дорожные детективы
Долгое время специальный отдел по внутренним расследованиям пытался найти хоть какие-то вразумительные улики, которые указывали бы на причастность высокопоставленных полицейских к взяткам от известного миллионера Джэ-чхоля. К сожалению, найти ничего не удалось, и было принято решение отдел расформировать. Одной из сотрудниц отдела досталось местно в дорожных детективах, которые занимаются поимкой преступников, скрывшихся с места автоаварии. Уже в первый день на новой работе полицейской удаётся узнать, что Джэ сбил человека на своём концепт-каре, а в его видеорегистраторе хранится запись, которая может помочь в его поимке.
Junho, a grade school student, is left all alone after his mom’s car accident. His half-brother’s father takes pity on him and brings him home. Knowing that he can be kicked out any day, Junho tries desperately to stay.
Spirits' Homecoming, Unfinished Story
"Spirits' Homecoming, Unfinished Story" is part dramatization and part documentary. The film contains scenes from the movie “Spirits’ Homecoming” and testimonials by comfort women who were enslaved by the Japanese Imperial Army during World War II.
18-летняя старшеклассница Ён-сун ненавидит своё имя. А ещё её угораздило влюбиться в учителя физкультуры, но он, скорее всего, уже с кем-то встречается. Чтобы убедиться в этом наверняка, Ён-су с друзьями начинает расследование, а тут ещё и папа решил устроить свою личную жизнь и привёл в дом мачеху из Монголии.
The Plan
Let's look back at the 18th presidential vote. The 13,500 ballot boxes were taken to 251 ballot count locations and were sorted by 1,300 automatic ballot openers. The chairman announced the sorted data and soon it was announced to the public. But something strange happened. The 251 ballot count locations found 'a number' that have the same pattern. Scientists, mathematicians, statistician and hackers from all over the country start looking into the secret of 'this number'. The result is tremendously shocking...
Бедный рыбак Нам Чул-ву скромно, но счастливо живёт с женой и дочерью на северном берегу реки, которая разделяет Северную и Южную Кореи. У него есть специальный допуск на ловлю рыбы в пограничной зоне и все пограничники ему доверяют: они прекрасно знают, что Нам никогда не посмеет пересечь невидимую водную границу. Но однажды мотор его лодки наматывает сеть и ломается. Нама уносит к южному берегу, где он сразу оказывается в руках спецслужб, которые не очень понимают, что с ним делать. Нама то подвергают жестоким и изнурительным допросам, чтобы выбить из него признание в шпионаже, то соблазняют прелестями жизни на Юге, чтобы сделать из него образцово-показательного перебежчика. Но всё, чего хочет Нам — это вернуться домой, где его ждут жена с дочкой… и ещё более жестокие спецслужбы КНДР
Fourth Place
A former Asian Games record breaker and Olympic tryout, Kim Gwang-su, endures beatings, abuse, and constant ridicule from his swimming coach. To justify this abusive behavior, his coach constantly reminded Gwang-su - this is for your own good.
Spirits' Homecoming
After the Japanese kidnap two Korean teenagers and take them to a comfort station to join other girls who are serving as sex slaves, only one of them survives. Decades later, the elderly woman tries to reunite with her friend's spirit.
A woman is attacked by Internet users after posting provocative remarks online. Using her personal information, they go to her place but what they find is her body; she took her own life. Who made her kill herself? Or, was she killed by someone else?
Eunju and her half-brother Minjae lose their parents in an accident. When his sister suddenly disappears with the inheritance of 100 million won, Minjae drives a long way to the southern region to find her, without knowing that ten-year-old Eunho, Eunju’s baby brother, has sneaked into the car. Beginning with images of the happy faces of the sister and brother within the crowds enjoying the cherry blossoms, the film follows Minjae’s trip, asking one question. Why did his sister leave him and disappear? Minjae wants the money his sister took, but money is not the only reason for his trip. When he finally finds her, he realizes that he now has to live on his own and take care of his younger brother Eunho.