Andris Dzenītis


A psychological thriller about a middle-aged intellectual who, in an attempt to restore his reputation in his wife’s eyes, accidentally commits a murder. As time passes, he begins to see a link between the deceased, his wife’s pregnancy and the mysterious blackmailer who is forcing him to act against his will.
This film represents a figurative view on the developments of contemporary art in Latvian modern environment by following the path of a piece of art to the audience for a certain period of time and by finding a unified system of characters in the process. One piece of art is advancing the story on the background of a previous piece, the next one is continuing it in another direction just like in a movie two shots alongside create the third one and result in another modern art object – film.
In the final years of World War I a retired German field medic is sent to a remote sanatorium for soldiers suffering from post-traumatic mental disorders. There he encounters a strange, dreamlike state of existence that challenges his own war-torn mind.
Человек в оранжевом жилете
После увольнения бастующих рабочих торгового порта, его владелец собирается в отпуск в Италию со своей молодой женой. За день до поездки в их роскошном доме неожиданно появляется один из уволенных, молодой человек в оранжевом жилете портового работника. Его намерения хладнокровных убийств супружеской пары позже оказываются лишь частью его впечатляющего плана мести.
Workshop in the Countryside
At the end of 70ies, when individual houses were getting destroyed in the Latvian countryside to put everyone in Soviet kolkhozs, painters Inta Celmiņa and Edvards Grūbe bought a house in Vidzeme, far away from everybody. It was a new beginning for the house, and for the artists as well, who now lead a double life, spending winters in Riga, and summers - in their workshop in the countryside. It's a story about the classic values of Latvian painting and the environment that breeds it.