Max Fey


In the not-too-distant future, a method of transferring lifetime from one person to another has changed the world forever. Max and Elena lead an almost perfect life. But when the couple is unexpectedly confronted with insurance claims they can't pay, everything suddenly changes for them. Robbed of their shared future, both are faced with the ruins of their lives.
Zwischen uns
Eva is struggling to live happily with her autistic son Felix. The two are inseparable, but Felix's frequent outbursts of anger, the constant problems at school and his fear of strangers are almost impossible for Eva to cope with. One day when Felix accidentally seriously injured Eva, suddenly nothing is the same as it used to be.
Zwischen uns
Eva is struggling to live happily with her autistic son Felix. The two are inseparable, but Felix's frequent outbursts of anger, the constant problems at school and his fear of strangers are almost impossible for Eva to cope with. One day when Felix accidentally seriously injured Eva, suddenly nothing is the same as it used to be.
Zwischen uns
Eva is struggling to live happily with her autistic son Felix. The two are inseparable, but Felix's frequent outbursts of anger, the constant problems at school and his fear of strangers are almost impossible for Eva to cope with. One day when Felix accidentally seriously injured Eva, suddenly nothing is the same as it used to be.
Взрослые игры
Мартин Беренс - эксперт по Ближнему Востоку, работающий на немецкую разведку BND. Его жизнь выходит из-под контроля, когда террористы нападают на мюнхенский ресторан, и одной из жертв оказывается его подруга Аурис Кёлер. Но действительно ли Аурис просто случайная жертва теракта?
Mountain Fever
Trapped on a mountain in a terrible snowstorm in the dead of night, one of the climbers reports his tentmate missing. Now they have to embark on a dangerous search.
Мы Были Королями
Группа быстрого реагирования немецкой полиции попадает в сложную ситуацию: при штурме наркопритона убиты двое наркодилеров и ранен их товарищ. Позже при загадочных обстоятельствах погибают еще двое сотрудников группы. На свой страх и риск они начинают охоту за убийцей их товарищей ...