Santiago Navarrete


Акулосьминог — новое оружие вооружённых сил США — чудовище с мордой акулы и телом осьминога, получившее имя «S-11» — прекрасный пуленепробиваемый пловец, который при этом может передвигаться и по суше. Его поведение легко контролируется при помощи электрических импульсов и специального прибора, закрепленного на «ошейнике» монстра. Но после столкновения с моторной лодкой, «S-11» в буквальном смысле уходит в свободное плавание, отправляясь к побережью курортного мексиканского городка Пуэрто Вальярта.
Entre paredes de agua
Director of Photography
Последний звонок
Director of Photography
Gilberto Cortés is an actor in a theatre play about a father fighting to save his son from the death penalty. Years later, he faces the same dilemma in real life when his own son is accused of the murder of a child molester.
Días de combate
Director of Photography
A novice private detective is on the trail of a serial strangler in Mexico City.
Mantis religiosa
Director of Photography
Death on the Beach
The son of a wealthy businesswoman returns home from boarding school. His mother, always busy with business and with her ambitious lover, realizes that her son suffers for being a homosexual. Having killed a teacher who abused him, the trauma makes him keep killing.
Director of Photography
The divorced university professor, Victoria, signs a letter of protest for the political disappeared that her students request, although she is not interested in politics. That afternoon his daughter, a twenty-year-old medical student, disappears. This event will change the vision of Victoria and her participation together with relatives of other political disappeared to obtain justice.