A spin on the Rapunzel fairy-tale, this unique romantic/political/biographic documentary feature will follow one love-struck soul's hilarious, emotionally engaging quest to woo one of the most mysterious figures in American politics, U.S. Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice. Devin Ratray is an American Everyman - a 30 year old New York based website designer, musician and besotted admirer of Condi, who is doing all he can to meet her and penetrate her heart, soul and stretch limo.
Атомная подводная лодка «Монтана» ВМФ США с ядерным оружием на борту терпит крушение на огромной глубине. Министерство флота просит помощи у специалистов подводной исследовательской станции, работающей неподалеку от места аварии субмарины.При поддержке четырех военных разведчиков исследователи должны выяснить возможную причину трагедии и нейтрализовать ядерные боеголовки. Но в океанской бездне им предстоит столкнуться с неведомым…
Cynthia inherits a large estate and moves in. She reads her aunt's diary and finds out how she was taught in the ways of love by her gardener in 1901 at the age of 21. She decides to continue the fruitful relationship and gets it on with the handsome young gardener herself.
A married woman pursues an affair with her abusive husband's best friend and tries to keep her secret life going despite her personal life collapsing around her.
Wimpy struggling Greenwich Village painter Tyler Westin is in love with gorgeous, but mean and snippy cabaret dancer Lisa, who treats Tyler like dirt and constantly belittles him. Sultry nightclub singer Mashiko turns Tyler on to LSD. After a nightmarish three day acid trip, Tyler returns to his shabby apartment to find Lisa murdered. Is Tyler responsible for her death? Or did someone else kill Lisa?