After Sergeant Stacy Armstrong returns from three deployments with PTSD, Jesse and Stacy are determined to save their twenty-year marriage from being another casualty of war. Infidelity, addiction, and a tragic accident test the couple's commitment as Jesse struggles to keep Stacy and their marriage alive.
FBI agent Liz Metera investigates a series of grisly murders in a small, desert town. She suspects the murders are the work of a serial killer but discovers that whatever is responsible is not human, and is, instead, something far more monstrous...
Black college graduate Richard Kelly reluctantly accepts a plea bargain requiring him to spend two semesters at an all-white seminary after he's wrongly accused of crimes committed during the 1965 Watts riots. Facing bigotry on all sides, he's close to cracking until he meets an elderly custodian who helps him navigate the trials of racism.
Юная девушка из мультипликационного мира влюбилась в прекрасного принца, чем немало разозлила его мачеху. С помощью черной магии королева отправляет несчастную в единственное место во Вселенной, где нет любви — современный Манхэттен. Вчерашней мультяшке придется как-то выживать в реальности.