The leading edge of working-class discontent in a Mexican village is a troop of bandits hiding out in the hills; when the bandit leader is killed, the whole town rises up.
The leading edge of working-class discontent in a Mexican village is a troop of bandits hiding out in the hills; when the bandit leader is killed, the whole town rises up.
The town's leading families decide to step down and let average citizens take responsibility for city government, from Mayor on down.
Young heroin addict dies in the pursuit of his calling, and his brother goes on a vendetta against the narco gang that supplied his drugs.
Three girls from different social classes are forced to take that first step into adulthood that leads them to live fun adventures and also unfortunate events.
Escaping after a heist, bank-robbers run afoul of an ex bounty hunter with whom they have back story.
A commanding friend Pepito and Chabelo ask them to help uncover a gang who kidnaps children. They accept and are out to steal to join the band. Whenthey find that the band mesmerizes children with toys and then the kids are controlled by young boys and they controlled in turn by strangers with long hair and blue eyes.
Escaping after a heist, bank-robbers run afoul of an ex bounty hunter with whom they have back story.
In 1974, the Cine Roble housed the International Film Festival. In this excerpt, the actors Enrique Novi and Sonia Furió offer their opinion on this special event while the public overflows with the passions provoked by the seventh art.
Chabelo and Pepito are cousins and belong to a group of scouts. When hiking a farmer warns of the danger of a cave where a cursed treasure.
A student-movement leftist becomes a nun and absorbs lots of deep, deep TV-movie spiritual lessons about God's glorious plan.
The story concerns a young woman named Elena who ascends from rags to riches when she inherits a substantial fortune; having no one else with whom she can share the monies, she invites her best friend, Clara, to move into her home and enjoy the wealth with her. All fares well until Elena falls in love with a male suitor - and thus threatens to jeopardize Clara's place in the household and her share of the spoils. Indignant, Clara vows to do everything in her power to prevent this new romance from blossoming.
Ex-con trying to go straight is backed into a corner by "former associates."
Несколько бандитов убивают владельца небольшого ранчо. Причины этого убийства остаются неизвестны. Жена покойного берет с сына Джада обещание отомстить за смерть отца. Она нанимает ему хорошего учителя по имени Хак, который учит парня обращаться с оружием. Молодой человек оказался очень способным учеником, но, к сожалению, так и не смог понять, что нужно иметь тормоза и быть хладнокровным. Постепенно он выслеживает часть бандитов, причастных к смерти его отца, но, убив их, оказывается перед выбором: либо пойти в тюрьму и впоследствии быть повешенным, либо согласиться работать у некоего Сэма Питмана, который имеет влияние на местного шерифа и сможет убедить его оставить парня в покое. Естественно Джад принимает предложение Питмана, тем более, что он влюблен в его сестру Рину. Однако работа эта связана с убийствами и постепенно их становится всё больше и больше и бывший учитель Джада вынужден начать на него охоту.
A couple is involved in a seduction game to get out of the monotony of their marriage.