Hanan Goldblatt


Nipagesh Basivuv
Comedy directed by Yehuda Barkan.
Goodbye, New York
A young New York woman, devastated to find out that her husband has been cheating on her, decides to hop a plane to Paris to get away. However, she falls asleep on the plane, misses her connection, and winds up in Israel, with no money, no luggage and no friends.
Ирит, Ирит
Ирит Шор замужем за Бенни, хирургом в больнице, у нее двое детей. Она преданная супруга, но предполагает, что муж ей изменяет. По соседству живет Ирит Кац, не состоящая в браке адвокат, которая часто меняет мужчин. Ирит завидует образу жизни Ирит и пытается немного поучиться у неё, но обнаруживает, что не может вынести мысли об измене мужу…
King for a Day
A hotel porter, who a long time ago divorced his wife and his daughter with her in America, is alarmed when a beautiful girl arrives at his hotel looking for her supposedly rich father. The porter had been sending back money and describing himself as a well-to-do businessman. With the help of his hotel friends, he becomes the guest of honor and takes her on a tour of Israel, all the time trying to avoid revealing his true work.
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