Valparaíso Restaurant Owner
Mario is a young fisherman who dreams of becoming a poet. He gets a job as the postman to Pablo Neruda when the legendary writer moves there after being exiled from Chile.
Четыре подруги решают помочь Кларите решить свои финансовые проблемы, чтобы её дочь могла продолжить обучение в престижной школе. Чтобы привлечь в ежегодный чемпионат по вышибалам больше участников, школьная администрация объявляет за первое место денежное вознаграждение, и подруги решают воспользоваться возможностью, чтобы выиграть главный приз.
Working in a recycling factory, a group of people come together and decide to restart their lives finding themselves through love and self-improvement.
Sergeant Castro - 'Paco Braulio'
1990 года, в Чили правит генерал-капитан Аугусто Пиночет. 17 лет назад при помощи ЦРУ он совершил государственный переворот и захватил страну, а всех недовольных новым режимом упрятал в тюрьму Сантьяго, где для политических заключённых были созданы невыносимые условия. Вскоре угнетённые несправедливыми властями люди начинают объединяться в Патриотический фронт, чтобы спланировать дерзкий массовый побег.
Dr. Mike Johnson
Santiago comes out of the closet to his 2 long life friends at the age of 50. The reaction is not very positive from one of them, Raul. Who tries by all means, to convince Santiago that he is only going through a moment of sexual confusion, and there's no way he is gay.
Sergeant 1
The Ahumada family wants to be happy at all costs and do not mind sacrificing others along the way. But happiness, is not always where you seek it.
Pancho Veloso, an old writer of celebrity articles, returns to his hometown of Chilean Patagonia after more than 40 years of having fled. When trying to write "salable" stories about that area so called "the end of the world", he will face his past and leave his imposture.
Male Nurse
An Argentine artist moves to Chile in search of a more stable life and a possible future for his profession. Thanks to his talent and arrogance will go far, but not for long...
During 1648, a dreaded commissioner of the Holy Inquisition arrives at Santiago. Social, political and religious life is shaken when six respected and married women are accused of committing the sin of fornication.
Patricia Lucia went out of court with a verdict that proves innocence of the murderer of her only daughter, Genesis Nirvana, a girl of only 6 years old. Inside her head, the only way of having justice is by taking it into her own hands. Her only purpose is revenge. Because of this, she takes a home video camera and leaves a record of it. This is a story of revenge and justice, that show us the weakness and vulnerability of human beings, that lose their sanity after missing a child
An international company has acquired “Supermarkets Océano”. The long-awaited end-of-the-year tour has been replaced by a day of integration according to "international standards". A group of workers willing to demand their rights will make this Office Trip an unforgettable day.
Man on the bus 2
Даниэле — 17. Воспитываясь в строгой религиозной семье, она одержима сексом. Ее школьные будни украшает небольшой скандал: накануне выпускных экзаменов Даниэла совращает одноклассника, и с баптистcкой школой приходится попрощаться раньше срока. У Даниэлы красивый бойфренд, она влюблена в девушку, с которой работает на телевидении. О своих сексуальных переживаниях Даниэла исправно рассказывает всему миру через блог, аккуратно посещает церковь по воскресеньям и молится, чтобы мать случайно не выследила ее в интернете. Бунтарка по природе, Даниэла, отказываясь сдерживать хоть какие-то желания, пытается найти свой «праведный» путь.
Submerged on the routine, Andrea escapes her solitude by fantasizing about the men that round her.
The story centers on a Chinese restaurant where three office colleagues come together to celebrate. An understatement with the account gives rise to an argument that will lead to problems with Chang, the owner of the restaurant and the Mapuche chef, Lautaro
Teo takes the charge the headquarters area in the Los Lagos.The reason for accepting this position is to open the chances for a scholarship in neurosurgery in the Capital,due to his first attempt was unsuccessful. In the middle of an imposing nature, the climate, the precariousness of the resources, the difficulties to move and the attitude of the locals, Teo will be introduced into a world that can not be seen only with reason, it has to be seen "From the heart"
Elisa, a lonely and shy librarian, moves to live in a downtown building, without knowing the killing of a young student took place there some time ago. A strange feeling taking over her will cause a drastic personality change while also leading her to unveil the secret behind the murder.
Taxi Driver (segment 'Mi nuera')
Radio Corazón recreates Chile's most successful radio show of all time. Composed of 3 fun, sexy and romantic short films based on true stories as told by the show's listeners to "Rumpy", an unparalleled radio host.
Nicolás is furious. Once again they broke into his house and took his bicycle. Outside, in the streets, the city is half destroyed by an earthquake. There is a curfew and Pinochet is asked if he is going to declare a state of catastrophe. Nicolás accompanies his mother to court to recognize the thief.
When enemy members of the two main Chilean soccer teams, Azul and Paloma meet in a fight after a soccer game they fall in love at first sight. They run away through the night in the streets of Santiago, while two groups search for them, when they meet, happens the inevitable.
Conpinche Yao 1
Two friends find themselves in search of their lost money after a drug transaction goes wrong.
A corrupt mayor, his undercover agents and two rival gangs of drug traffickers. This dangerous cocktail serves as the basis for a thriller accented with black humor and high impact dialogues. It shows in a dynamic and contemporary style the underworld of drug trafficking in Latin America and its effects on society.