Sydney Walsh

Sydney Walsh

Рождение : 1961-06-06, New York City, New York, USA


Sydney Walsh is an actress and director.


Sydney Walsh
Sydney Walsh


The Cheerleader Murders
A high school student whose father and sister were recently murdered begins her own investigation after two of her fellow cheerleaders are kidnapped. She sets out on a rescue mission, but the killer may already be hot on her trail.
Больше никогда не спи: Наследие улицы Вязов
Документальный фильм, созданный в поддержку ремейка «Кошмара на улице Вязов».
В сетях коррупции
Детектив Джон Рурк — отважный и по-настоящему крутой полицейский. Когда таинственный убийца из неизвестной китайской банды убивает нескольких полицейских — ближайших друзей Рурка, Джон вместе с напарником Роем Дикерсоном пытается во что бы то ни стало найти преступника. Но в ходе расследования выявляются факты коррупции в полицейском управлении, и Рурк становится мишенью как для своих продажных коллег, так и для невидимой криминальной империи, опутавшей своими сетями весь город…
Во власти наваждения
Полубезумный грабитель выстрелил в Огги, когда тот выходил из подсобки с бутылкой вина. Эта бутылка предназначалась для постоянного клиента магазина, преуспевающего страхового агента Джона Нолана. Несчастный Огги истек кровью прямо на руках у парализованного шоком Нолана. Эта ужасная трагедия произвела на Джона невероятно сильное впечатление. Чувствуя себя невольным виновником смерти бедолаги Огги, Нолан решает узнать про покойника абсолютно все. В какой-то момент это странное наваждение настолько захватывает Джона, что он, сам того не осознавая, начинает вести двойную жизнь. И вот тогда, на свой страх и риск, Нолан решает стать Огги Роузом.
Hefner: Unauthorized
Christie (Adult)
The unauthorized biography of Hugh Hefner and the birth of the Playboy empire.
Life of the Party: The Pamela Harriman Story
Minnie Churchill
Told mostly in flashbacks, the film tells the story of Pamela Digby Churchill Hayward Harriman, one of the greatest and probably most famous courtesans of the twentieth century. While not showing her childhood, first marriage to Winston Churchill's son, or most of her affairs, we do get to see her affair and eventual marriage to Broadway producer Leland Hayward, and then her marriage to politician Averell Harriman, with whom she had an affair while both were married to others in World War II. We also see her as ambassador to France during her last years, and her death in 1997. While some (mostly her lovers) adored her, others (mostly her son and her husbands' children) hated her.
No More Baths
Alice McPhie
* When greedy land developers attempt to push a kindly widower off of his property, they receive an unexpected challenge from his ten-year-old neighbor in this family-oriented drama that shows a little love can go a long way. After being robbed of his family by a tragic fire, Jake opened his doors and his heart to the children of Glenwood Springs. Having learned a thing or two about helping others from his parents, who work as legal-aid attorneys, Jake's ten-year-old neighbor Keagan is troubled to learn that Jake's home is in jeopardy as land developers and government bureaucrats move in to make way for new developments in the neighborhood. Quickly organizing his friends into a powerful but peaceful protest force known as the "Glenwood Springs Kids Corp." Keagan and friends learn an important lesson in responsibility as they come to the aid of an old friend in need. ~ Jason Buchanan, Rovi
A Walton Easter
Aurora Jameson
In 1969, John-Boy is a TV news anchorperson in New York and he is in the throes of writing a new book. He and a very pregnant Janet are making plans to return to Walton's Mountain for the celebration of John and Olivia's 40th wedding anniversary. Accompanying them to see the place John-Boy lived as a child is Aurora, a Time magazine photographer, who is doing a story on John-Boy. Meanwhile, Elizabeth arrives back from her travels and announces to Drew, who is still working at the mill with Ben, that she is back to stay. She is very upset to find that Drew did not wait for her, and that he has a new girlfriend. Also, problems arise for John-Boy and Janet because the longer John-Boy stays on the mountain, the more he becomes convinced that he would like to settle down there, raise his family, and continue with his writing whereas Janet wants to stay in New York.
O. Henry's Christmas
Three episodes based on O. Henry's texts. The first deals with the friendship between a painter and two young women. The second, a young man who receives an insignificant amount of his uncle, as an inheritance. The third concerns two people who make it all possible when they give themselves love as Christmas presents.
A Kiss Goodnight
Marcia Aronson
Advertising exec Natalie engages in a passionate, but brief, love affair with a stranger named Kurt. When Natalie returns to her boyfriend, she finds that Kurt isn't so easily dismissed.
The Danger of Love: The Carolyn Warmus Story
Michael Carlin, a teacher, has been having an affair with a much younger fellow teacher Carolyn Warmus. When his wife is murdered, the police suspect him due to inconsistencies in his alibi, and no evidence points to anyone else.
Jane Whitson
A computer scientist invents an experimental artificial intelligence that can manage and control all the functions for his vacation cabin in the woods. When he gives it a female personality, it becomes a little too managing and controlling, resulting in deαdly consequences.
На гребне волны
Miss Deer
Таинственная банда серфингистов, среди белого дня, совершает ограбления банков. Полиция и ФБР поражены профессиональностью и скоростью проведения преступлений. Следствие ведет молодой и претенциозный агент ФБР, который, рискуя жизнью, внедряется в банду и раскрывает это дело, но неожиданно для самого себя он осознает, что вернуться к нормальной жизни он уже не сможет.
Трое мужчин и маленькая леди
Трое друзей помогают Сильвии воспитывать ее очаровательную дочку и, кажется, ничто не может омрачить их семейного счастья. Но неожиданно женщина уезжает с девочкой в Лондон. Новоиспеченные папаши отправляются в погоню в надежде вернуть беглецов, однако на их пути возникает серьезное препятствие: на берегах туманного Альбиона Сильвию ждет жених. И тогда трое разгневанных отцов объявляют войну наглому самозванцу…
Trenchcoat in Paradise
Mona Williams
Eddie Mazda is a hard nosed private eye who gets in too close to the mob and is forced to leave Jersey City. He decides to open up shop in Hawaii.
To Die For
Kate Wooten
L.A. real estate agent Kate Wooten gets a new lease on life when she learns that her new client, a mysterious and handsome man named Vlad, is looking for a house isolated in the Hollywood Hills where he wants to live and doesn't want to be disturbed. It doesn't take long for Kate to fall in love with her new client and to learn that he's a real vampire.
Кошмар на улице Вязов 2: Месть Фредди
Спустя пять лет в дом, где подростков преследовали кошмары с кровавым убийцей, въезжает новая семья, ничего не подозревающая о дурной славе этого коттеджа. Фрэдди Крюгер вновь возникает в снах юного Джесси Уэлма и пытается завладеть не только его мозгом, но и телом. Подружка Джесси, Лиза, надеется помочь ему избавиться от навязчивого видения. Замечательные спецэффекты и пиротехника обеспечили фильму кассовый успех.
An Early Frost
Susan Maracek
Michael Pierson, a young gay man and professional attorney, is struck with AIDS in the prime of his life. Having never even come out to his family, he finds himself in the unenviable position of dropping two bombshells on them. He must come to terms with the inevitability of his premature death while trying to maintain his relationships with family members who harbor fears, resentments, and denial. Airing on network television during the height of the original AIDS epidemic, "An Early Frost" was many people's first look at an AIDS victim as a human being rather than a statistic.