The ambitious scientist Franz Walter doesn't hesitate when he is promised a professorship at the university. He immediately accepts, pledges absolute loyalty to the system and agrees to work for the GDR's foreign intelligence service until he can take up his new position. Together with his colleague Dirk, he is sent on foreign assignments to West Germany. Franz soon has to use blackmail to get innocent people to talk. But his superiors go even further: GDR refugees and their relatives are targeted to be psychologically destroyed, forged letters, medical diagnoses, surveillance and wiretapping are on the agenda. However, this is more than Franz can bear: he feels powerless and increasingly isolates himself. When he then decides to steal secret documents for a later defection to the West, this results in an unfortunate chain reaction leading to his arrest and ultimately to his execution...
Армин - фрилансер, у которого мало денег, но много свободного времени. Он несчастен, но не помышляет о другой жизни. Однажды он просыпается и обнаруживает, что всё человечество исчезло с лица земли.
A brutal attack on the homeless Lennard in downtown Frankfurt links the fate of three women: Irina, a 28-year-old nurse, has witnessed the violence. The young Sam lives on the street. She was protected by Lennard after she was beaten up in search of food. The single mother Anne is from the clouds when her 18-year-old son Rio is led away by the police. He is accused of involvement in the violence against Lennard. This is hard to understand for Anne; she struggles to get her son to talk.
Вернувшись домой после летних каникул, Фил обнаруживает, что мать и сестра перестали разговаривать друг с другом. Не желая ввязываться в семейные ссоры, последние дни перед школой Фил проводит шатаясь по городу с лучшей подругой, поедая мороженое и просто дурачась. С началом учебного года в их классе появляется новый ученик, Николас. Мальчик производит на Фила неожиданное впечатление: он чувствует себя смущенным и даже как будто влюбленным. Фил тайком наблюдает за Николасом, и совершенно неожиданно тот отвечает взаимностью на его чувства.
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