Émile Schneider

Émile Schneider


Émile Schneider


L'Ouragan F.Y.T.
Maria Chapdelaine
François Paradis
Maria Chapdelaine tells the story of a young woman having to choose between three suitors promising each a different life. Faced with events that jostle her, Maria must then take his destiny into her own hands and decide what her future will be.
The Vinland Club
Jeune professeur
1949. Brother Jean, a progressive teacher and passionate amateur archaeologist, plans to conduct excavations with his students in order to prove the presence of a Viking settlement along the shores of the St-Lawrence River.
Tenant from 2011
Independent production and very free artistically, the film will lock you in the apartment of an editor, while the latter goes crazy while finishing the assembly of a film.
Забытые цветы
Jerry Can Payette
Альберт - пчеловод, который изготавливает ценное медовое вино и опыляет крыши Монреаля, чтобы спасти пчел. Однажды к нему приходит брат Мари-Викторин, который вернулся к жизни, чтобы передать свои знания Альберту и спасти планету, находящуюся в опасности. Он не единственный, кто заботится о судьбе окружающей среды. Изменить экологическую ситуацию пытаются панк Джерри, адвокат Матильда и журналистка-активистка Лили. Все они объединяются в борьбе против коррупционной власти, отравляющей земли планеты.
I'll End Up in Jail
A bored stay-at-home mom gets into trouble after speeding away from her small-town life.
A young boy discovers a family in the woods while playing and begins to question the purpose of his father's militia.
We Have Forever
Clément Schneider
A young man approaching his 20s can either work for his mother in her restaurant or carve his own path and join his friends in Montreal. Before making this decision, he encounters Sara and Léa, two enticing young women who may derail his plans of becoming the greatest chef in the world.
Client #3
Camelia, an escort with a troubled past, is newly employed at an erotic massage parlour in eastern Montreal. Met coldly by her competitive new colleagues, she struggles to establish a clientele while maintaining her dignity.
Договор между ангелами
Мужчина оказывается не в то время не в том месте и становится свидетелем преступления, совершенного двумя братьями-подростками. Братья его похищают, навлекая на себя ещё большие неприятности. Причудливое трио отправляется в путешествие, которое раскроет истинный характер каждого из них.
Kiss Me With All Your Love
Pierre Sauvageau
In 1940s Montreal, a young man wrestles with his emotions for his domineering twin sister and his best friend's girlfriend.
There Where Atilla Passes
Atilla, a reclusive young man of Turkish origin adopted at a young age by Michael and Julie, a Quebec couple reconciles with his origins and his past thanks to the encounter with Asya, a student visiting Québec.
The Lion's Path
After meeting about a month ago, Alex and Jade fall for each other hard. When she invites him to join her in the country with some friends, including her cousin Oliver, he leaps at the chance. But what Jade has failed to make clear is that they will be sharing with other young guests who are all members of a commune led by Gabriel, a former college professor obsessed with Nietzsche. Alex, who has been soul-searching since he quit studying economics, soon realizes that Gabriel is a bona fide guru who has turned his magnificent house into what he calls a “laboratory of the real,” where pretence, prejudice, taboos and morality are banned. (FNC)
Ce qu'il ne faut pas dire
Émile (l'étudiant)
Après la neige
When a divorced music video producer is forced to shut down his company, he attempts to rebuild his relationships with his father and estranged teenage son.