Sarah East


Час истины
Casting Director
У супружеской пары, остановившейся в кемпинге на берегу реки, бесследно пропадает дочь. Полиция не в силах отыскать девочку, но муж с женой не остановятся ни перед чем, чтобы найти своего ребенка. Однако никто не догадывается, что за этим исчезновением скрывается страшная правда.
Sarah Scott
A husband and wife debate the idea of uploading her consciousness to an AI after she's impaired in a severe car accident.
Hugo's Teacher
Убитый горем вдовец случайно попадает на спиритический сеанс к начинающему медиуму, которая вызывает дух его безвременно ушедшей жены. Ухватив тонкую нить надежды на связь с любимой, мужчина становится одержим идеей постоянного присутствия умершей жены рядом с ним.
An Uncommon Grace
An army nurse returning from Afghanistan discovers her purpose in a rural Ohio farm community, along with a deep connection with a neighbor whose conservative Amish sect strictly forbids relationships with those outside his church community.
Julie Radner
As her 30th birthday looms, an over-achieving woman with a thing for bowlers decides to marry the man of her dreams in just under a month.
Dawn - Head Waitress
Ernie Cranshaw is a seventy eight-year-old man and is deeply scarred by a terrible past who lives alone in his humble ranch home. After a mysterious stranger points out to him that a theater is offering free movies before closing its doors for good, Ernie Hesitatingly makes his way to the theater through a rainy night, but what lies in it can bring him to the edge of madness.
Brain chemistry research has produced a drug - Nirvana - that can wipe out addiction and mental illness by stimulating pleasure centers in the brain and flooding the brain with endorphins. PsyMax Labs is about to release Nirvana, but suddenly something goes badly wrong. Nirvana causes drastic genetic changes, switching on dormant genes to produce BRAINIAC, a creature whose need for the brain's pleasure chemicals causes it to begin eating human brains.
Production Intern
Brain chemistry research has produced a drug - Nirvana - that can wipe out addiction and mental illness by stimulating pleasure centers in the brain and flooding the brain with endorphins. PsyMax Labs is about to release Nirvana, but suddenly something goes badly wrong. Nirvana causes drastic genetic changes, switching on dormant genes to produce BRAINIAC, a creature whose need for the brain's pleasure chemicals causes it to begin eating human brains.