Kimberly Mason Sheree


Райская бухта
Costume Assistant
Строительный подрядчик Нокс и его жена Трейси переезжают в Малибу, чтобы отремонтировать доставшийся им в наследство пляжный домик, под которым поселилась бездомная женщина. Вскоре между ней и супругами разгорается настоящая война.
Additional Photography
In an abandoned mental institution, doctors carry out secret experiments on unsuspecting patients. The experiments, codenamed Limes, are designed to cure violent episodes within the inmates through new methods of brainwashing and mind manipulation. It is soon discovered by the families of the patients that this is no ordinary hospital.
Costume Design
In an abandoned mental institution, doctors carry out secret experiments on unsuspecting patients. The experiments, codenamed Limes, are designed to cure violent episodes within the inmates through new methods of brainwashing and mind manipulation. It is soon discovered by the families of the patients that this is no ordinary hospital.