Ivo Alexandre

Ivo Alexandre


Ivo Alexandre


O Ídolo
Padre Thomas
O Tesouro
An adaptation of the short story with the same name by Portuguese writer Eça de Queiroz.
Поначалу никто им не верит, но весть об этом разносится по всей стране, что становится толчком для масштабного паломничества в Фатиму. Десятки тысяч религиозных паломников начинают стекаться к этому месту в надежде стать свидетелями чуда. То, что они испытают, навсегда изменит их жизнь.
Look No Further
Elsie wakes Löic from a hidden grave in the forest. He does not remember anything, just what they are: vampires. With his memory slowly returning, Elsie fears that the love she feels for Loïc may not be enough to keep him by her side.
The story about the romance of Snu Abecassis and the former Portuguese prime minister Sá Carneiro.
This is the story of a young Mozambican footballer called Eusébio, a gifted athlete destined to great achievements, coveted by rival clubs, Sporting and Benfica, which ends up hiring him. Blackmail, kidnapping attempts, ministers involved, press hysteria and huge money offers make the story of this football transfer into a saga evolving between the two continents. It ends up when the legend begins: with Eusébio’s first match at the Benfica Stadium.
Saint George
In 2011 Portugal began the so-called "year of the Troika" (EU, IMF and ECB budget cuts and economic restructuring), with the level of debt among the Portuguese people reaching staggering amounts and a growing number of families and companies unable to repay their installment loans. Jorge is an unemployed boxer on the verge of losing his son and his wife, who has decided to return to Brazil. As a means of paying off his debt and persuading his wife to remain in Portugal, Jorge accepts a job with a debt-collection agency, which will drag him into a world of violence and crime.
Форпост прогресса
В конце девятнадцатого века двое португальских колониальных чиновника добираются до удаленного поста по торговле слоновой костью в Конго..
Triple A
A mockumentary with an actual documentary inside, tells the unusual story of Artist António André's (Triple A). With Arcos de Valdevez, a portuguese northern village, as background, it questions the relevance of art in our time.
Benedict Ironbreaker: The Red Taxis
Passager 1 bateau
At first sight, 10-year-old Benoît Brisefer, seems like any other little boy his age. However, Benoît is endowed with amazing force. All the bandits who cross his path learn this to their own cost. But, unfortunately, no one is perfect... As soon as he catches a cold, Benoît loses his extraordinary physical abilities. Hence he never takes off the woollen scarf wrapped around his neck. Brave and very determined, he doesn't hesitate a second to take action to defend his friends. So, when Poilonez - a well known crook - and his gang decide to focus on Mr. Dussiflard, his taxi driver friend, Benoît does all that he can to thwart his plans.
Cats Don't Have Vertigo
Cliente Mãe de Fintas
Jô is kicked out of home by his father on his birthday. Having no place to go, he takes refuge in the terrace of Rose, who just lost her husband.
Полиция пытается остановить банду преступников, виновных в нескольких ограблениях в Лиссабоне.
Sabores e Sentidos
A Solista
Adília was once a successful pianist. Now her only contact point with the world is her daughter.
A Imitação
An act of passion, filmed in a church turned into a bar, on Easter 2003, and starring as many actors as the days of the year… Taking the sacred painting as a reference, the film questions the human condition: letting oneself die like Christ or betray scientifically like Peter?