Maryne Bertieaux

Maryne Bertieaux


Maryne Bertieaux


La jeune hospitalière
Camille, a young candidate for the legislative election, is parachuted into a constituency in Hauts-de-France.
South Sentinel
Vendeuse bijouterie
The journey of Christian Lafayette, a French soldier who, in the aftermath of a murderous ambush in Afghanistan, has returned to France. Soon mixed up in trafficking opium with Mounir, his brother-in-arms who was wounded in the ambush, Lafayette, a foster child, and tormented war hero, chooses a new family and life – a criminal’s life. To escape this vicious circle of violence, Christian has to learn how to love.
Утраченные иллюзии
Красивый и талантливый, но абсолютно нищий поэт Люсьен Шардон пытается прославиться и разбогатеть в Париже. Во французской столице он переживает взлёты и падения, а цепь его деяний вводит в чудовищные долги его друга и зятя Давида Сешара. Люсьен подходит к черте отчаяния, в последний момент понимая, что он натворил.
Дикий штат
Когда в Америке вспыхивает Гражданская война, семья французских поселенцев вынуждена покинуть свой дом в Миссури, чтобы бежать и вернуться в Париж. Их сопровождает бывший наемник, чье беспокойное прошлое вскоре настигает его.
Les armes miraculeuses
Stéphanie Foucault
Помадный сердце
Anna wants to share her chocolate cake with her friend and ends up living an adventure through the forest, where the terrible bearded giant is the new inhabitant. In fact, all the animals that she meets are disappearing. Does the giant need company?
The Berken Case
Axelle Deschamps
Naval Officer Berken faces a wall of resistance as she investigates the murder of a soldier.
Mongeville et Magellan : Un amour de jeunesse
A commissioner and a former examining magistrate are asked to find a woman, whom they both loved, just disappeared.
The Future Is So Bright (I Gotta Wear Shades)
La fée
Dick Traverse, a forty-five-year-old, ex-punk whose become a concert organizer, has been accompanying underground rock groups for years during improbable tours as flat broke as they are chaotic. Worn out and wrung out by a sterile existence, his fate radically changes the moment the van he's driving for a Norwegian black metal group enters the legendary Brocéliande forest.
A Decent Man
Eddie is no longer living with his wife and their son Noam. One night, he gets mugged and badly injured, and consequently becomes a hero to his son and the victim of a vicious crime to his wife. But when Ahmed, the perfect scapegoat for the attack, is charged, the gravitas of his accusation sucks Eddie into an infernal spiral of self-doubt and lies, marking the start of a dangerous freefall.
Жёлтый ирис
Девочка-подросток была найдена задушенной на берегу Сены. Комиссар Руссо передает это дело своему заместителю, Мариэлле Де Люка. Он хочет снова заняться поисками своего сына, исчезнувшего 5 лет назад. В это время убийца находит новых жертв...