Paul Brookes


Проклятие куклы Роберт
Sound Mixer
Студентке Эмили Баркер нужны деньги, и она решает устроиться уборщицей в музей на ночные смены. Вскоре девушка начинает подозревать, что жуткая старинная кукла по имени Роберт жива и сеет хаос после закрытия музея.
Экзорцист Анны Эклунд
Sound Recordist
Священник и последователь Ватикана принимает одержимую домохозяйку в священный монастырь, чтобы совершить обряд экзорцизма.
Кукла Роберт
Sound Recordist
In this chilling story based on real life events a family experience terrifying supernatural occurrences when their son acquires a vintage doll called Robert.
Silent Night, Bloody Night : The Homecoming
Sound Recordist
The abandoned home of Wilfred Butler, a wealthy but troubled man who committed suicide in 1987, has been willed to his grandson, Jeffrey. The house has sat in disarray since Wilfred's death, standing in the way of developers who want to turn the property into residential homes. Just before Christmas 2012, many years after Wilfred's death, Jeffrey and his lawyer appear in town to negotiate the sale of the property. But an Axe wielding maniac has set up residence in the house, and he doesn't take kindly to strangers.
Night of the Living Dead: Resurrection
Sound Mixer
The deceased have risen with the instinct to feed on the living as a family is trapped during a zombie apocalypse. Wales. Based on George A. Romero's classic "Night of the Living Dead".
Night of the Living Dead: Resurrection
Sound Recordist
The deceased have risen with the instinct to feed on the living as a family is trapped during a zombie apocalypse. Wales. Based on George A. Romero's classic "Night of the Living Dead".
The Feral Generation
Boom Operator
In 2004, a Home Office survey revealed that there are 20 to 60 youngsters,aged 16 to 24,living rough in each inner city in the UK. They are responsible for vast levels of crime and in almost all cases they have come from broken homes and a history of abuse,both physical and sexual,most of the time inflicted on them by their own parents. Nikki,18,fled a sexually abusive homelife and a succession of foster families to live on the street. There she met Vincent,21,the product of heroin addicted parents. Together they spend their days trying to survive the perils of living rough and supporting their own drug addictions. They are wild,unwanted and trying to live without fear.They are the lost children of modern day society. They are The Feral Generation.