Melissa Lozoff


Coming Through the Rye
Coming Through the Rye, set in 1969, is a touching coming of age story of sensitive, 16 year old Jamie Schwartz, who is not the most popular kid at his all boys' boarding school. Disconnected from students and teachers, he believes he is destined to play Holden Caulfield, the main character of The Catcher in the Rye, and has adapted the book as a play.
Одержимость Деборы Логан
Cara's Mother
То, что начиналось как трогательный документальный фильм о том, как у Деборы Логан начала развиваться болезнь Альцгеймера, и как ее дочь борется за нее, в результате превратилось в сущий кошмар. Никто не подозревал, что за болезнью Деборы скрывается куда большее зло…
Рука Дьявола
Hannah's Mom
Пять юных девушек, живущих в общине амишей, обвиняются местным сообществом в одержимости дьяволом. Подозревая, что под «обрядом очищения» старейшины религиозной группы подразумевают вовсе не исцеление, девушки вынуждены бороться за свою жизнь не с потусторонними силами, а с фанатично настроенными людьми.
Helen, Sweetheart of the Internet
Melissa Hargenson
Based on the syndicated comic strip of the same name, "Helen, Sweetheart of the Internet" is the story of a beautiful, blond genius who finds controlling her near super human abilities with computers is harder than she thinks.
Helen, Sweetheart of the Internet
Based on the syndicated comic strip of the same name, "Helen, Sweetheart of the Internet" is the story of a beautiful, blond genius who finds controlling her near super human abilities with computers is harder than she thinks.
Redemption Of The Commons
Jeana Clay
Victor seems to have it all together - good looks, his own marketing company, and life in L.A. But in reality, he's broke, living out of his van, $93,000 in debt and still looking for the ever-elusive purpose of his life. Pop, an elderly friend from the past, offers Victor his only choice - to come back home. Through the story's inspiring ending of reconciled relationships and realized dreams, we are reminded that no life is "common" - and that everyone has a God-given purpose.