Pilar Matas

Pilar Matas


Pilar Matas


Rafa's Mother
Андрес — молодой, но закалённый суровой борьбой с безжалостной мадридской мафией полицейский, берёт на работе отпуск и едет со своей дочерью в небольшой приморский городок, где девочке предстоит пройти лечение в здешнем санатории. Городок кажется очень мирным, но внезапно здесь происходит серьёзное преступление — кто-то убивает местного инспектора. Теперь правоохранительной системе городка требуется замена, хотя бы временная, и эту роль берёт на себя Андрес. Приступив к расследованию таинственной смерти инспектора полицейский приходит к шокирующему открытию — оказывается, этот городишко наводнён бывшими руководителями нацистского движения, которые теперь мирно отдыхают на пенсии.
Madrid, int.
Madrid, Spain, March 2020. As the merciless disease that plagues the world spreads through the increasingly deserted streets of the city, people barricades themselves in their homes and move on with their lives…
The Third Part
Claudia Matas
Sergio is dying from marrow cancer. His doctor, Millán, wants him to achieve his final will. Helped by the rest of the medical team, they will leave embarrassment aside to make his last dream come true.
Ten imprisoned women convicted of different crimes organize a theater play that might serve both as therapy to their own frustrations and as a way of reintegrating in society.
People in Places
A fragmented view of contemporary Spain, drawing conclusions about the persistence of the human condition, strangeness, and the chaos within relationships.
A Love to Keep
Spain, the era of dictator Franco. Two female teachers are in love, but in those years and in that regime the love is not only forbidden but also a crime. To avoid their child been in prison, the parents of the one teacher, force her to be confined in a clinic for mental diseases, where she is heavily abused, the main treatment been electroshocks. After Franco's fall, and the change of things, she is free to return to her home, under the surveillance of her mother. Her father, more compassionate, helps her escape and find her lover. But the years of been under electroshocks have damaged her health, and make it impossible to live a normal life.